First UVa regional warmup

The Problemset

The things you should know:
  • Scroll down to see the Problemset.
  • Judge is a Pentium 4, 2.8GH
  • The Contest duration may be increased for our mistakes or to give people more Time to Practice.
  • To send clarification send mail to
  • The Clarification replies will be given via email. But it may also be put in the Clarification Board if it is of general interest.
  • Please look at the Clarification Board for any correction notice.

First UVa regional warmup

The Problemset

A - Binary Search Tree
B - Sumthing
C - The Turtle's Journey
D - The Largest Diamond-Shaped Kite
E - Mocking the Precision
F - Greedy's Pizza
G - Taking the Stairs
H - Isosceles Triangles
I - Sleight of Hand


Red de ProgramaciĆ³n Competitiva
This problemset has been prepared by the ProblemSetters of the Competitive Programming Network.
Should you want to know more about us, or collaborate by writing problems with us, please visit our official web page, visit our facebook fanpage and follow us on twitter (@RedProgramacion).
Also feel free to contact us at mail @

Click here to get the entire PDF Problemset

- ACM Valladolid On-line Judge team