Colombian Collegiate Programming League
CCPL 2016 (Round 1)

The things you should know:
  • Scroll down to see the Problemset.
  • Judge runs in a virtual environment in the cloud.
  • For all problems assume pi=2*acos(0) or pi=2*cos_inverse(0).
  • The Contest duration may be increased for our mistakes or to give people more Time to Practice.
  • To send clarification send mail to
  • The Clarification replies will be given via email. But it may also be put in the Clarification Board if it is of general interest.
  • Please look at the Clarification Board for any correction notice.
  • Take input from standard input and produce output in standard output

The Problemset

Title (link to the PDF File)Problem Setters
Problem A. Prove Them AllCamilo Rocha
Problem B. Baking Cakes with GrandmaCamilo Rocha
Problem C. Tennis ChampionshipRafael García
Problem D. Euler DiagramsFederico Arboleda, Rafael García, and Alejandro Sotelo
Problem E. Going Shopping with Grandma (I)Camilo Rocha
Problem F. Going Shopping with Grandma (II)Camilo Rocha
Problem G. Trading Card GameFederico Arboleda and Alejandro Sotelo
Problem H. Harvest MoonFederico Arboleda, Rafael García, and Alejandro Sotelo
Problem I. Accelleratii IncredibusFederico Arboleda, Rafael García, and Alejandro Sotelo
Problem J. Ant-Man's Sugar JourneyFederico Arboleda and Diego Satoba
Problem K. Prime Kebab MenuRafael García
Problem L. The Weakest LinkCamilo Rocha

Full problemset (PDF format)

- ACM Valladolid On-line Judge team