The Combinatorics Lover's Contest 

The things you should know:
  • Welcome to the Combinatorics Lover's contest!!! All problems have combinatorics related solutions, even if they look like they are not combinatorical problems :-).
  • Scroll down to see the Problemset.
  • For all problems assume pi=2*acos(0) or pi=2*cos_inverse(0).
  • The Contest duration may be increased for our mistakes or to give people more Time to Practice.
  • To send clarification send mail to
  • The Clarification replies will be given via email. But it may also be put in the Clarification Board if it is of general interest.
  • Please look at the Clarification Board for any correction notice.

The Problemset

(A) Tiling Dominoes
(B) Lattice of Resistors
(C) Summing the Lengths of the Longest Increasing Subsequence of Permutations
(D) Warping N Dimensional Space
(E) Infinite Resistor Network
(F) 3D Triangles
(G) Magical Seven
(H) Cyclic Polygons