D. Warping of N Dimensional Space 

The Problem

In this problem, we want to apply a linear transformation to warp an N dimensional volume. Let Volume(v) denote the volume of the N dimensional parallelepiped spanned by N, N dimensional vectors {v1,v2,...,vN}. An example of a 2D volume spanned by 2, 2 dimensional vectors is shown below. In a strange twist, we have decided to apply a "Linear GCD" transformation. That is, if we represent our linear transformation f:RN->RN by the matrix A, where R denotes the set of real numbers, then A(i,j) = gcd(i,j) for 1 <= i,j <= N, where gcd(i,j) stands for the greatest common divisor of i and j. Given, S, any set of N vectors of RN, such that Volume(S) is positive, we ask you to compute the ratio of the volume after the transformation to the volume before the GCD Transformation. In other words, compute r(S)=Volume(F(S))/Volume(S), where F(S)={f(v) | v in S}. However, since r(S) can be quite large, we only ask you to compute T(S)=floor(r(S)) mod 4000039. In an even stranger twist, we will not give you S, but instead ask you to compute, the mean value of T(S) over all N vectors S of RN, such that Volume(S) is positive.

The Input

The input of each test cases is simply the value N(N<4000000) on its own line.

The Output

For each input value, output the answer rounded to an integer, followed by a newline.

Sample Input


Sample Output


Problem setter: Josh Bao
Alternative Solution: Mike Liu