




# User Problem Verdict Language Run Time Submission Date
1463 juanov69 C - Cyber cafe Accepted PASCAL 0.852 2003-11-14 14:00:41
1462 Titan @ H - Prefix Codes Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-11-14 14:00:40
1461 mauricemd4 A - Palindrome Numbers Wrong answer ANSI C 0.002 2003-11-14 14:00:39
1460 cnfwhapse J - Volume Measurement Wrong answer C++ 0.002 2003-11-14 14:00:31
1459 Gudnar Guarachi Cruz J - Volume Measurement Wrong answer C++ 0.002 2003-11-14 14:00:22
1458 OrelSTU 12 H - Prefix Codes Wrong answer PASCAL 0.037 2003-11-14 14:00:22
1457 sony003 E - Find the Project Runtime error C++ 0.000 2003-11-14 14:00:21
1456 Anirban B - Mazes in Higher Dimensions Accepted PASCAL 0.037 2003-11-14 14:00:13
1455 MobashshiR H RihaN H - Prefix Codes Runtime error C++ 0.000 2003-11-14 14:00:08
1454 Titan @ E - Find the Project Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2003-11-14 14:00:07
1453 mohannd D - Unbreakable Floor Runtime error C++ 0.000 2003-11-14 14:00:05
1452 dischameli1970 G - Circle Strafing Wrong answer C++ 0.078 2003-11-14 13:59:59
1451 Omi007 H - Prefix Codes Compilation error C++ 0.000 2003-11-14 13:59:57
1450 Gosuslugiplorn I - Highway Monitor Wrong answer C++ 0.793 2003-11-14 13:59:56
1449 Monir Ahmad I - Highway Monitor Compilation error ANSI C 0.000 2003-11-14 13:59:49
1448 nikitha J - Volume Measurement Wrong answer C++ 0.002 2003-11-14 13:59:46
1447 Eduard Piliposyan A - Palindrome Numbers Compilation error C++ 0.000 2003-11-14 13:59:46
1446 aurorakj60 B - Mazes in Higher Dimensions Wrong answer C++ 3.604 2003-11-14 13:59:39
1445 cnfwhapse J - Volume Measurement Wrong answer C++ 0.002 2003-11-14 13:59:38
1444 Omi007 H - Prefix Codes Compilation error C++ 0.000 2003-11-14 13:59:25
1443 Gosuslugiplorn I - Highway Monitor Wrong answer C++ 0.811 2003-11-14 13:59:21
1442 dischameli1970 G - Circle Strafing Runtime error C++ 0.125 2003-11-14 13:59:20
1441 Liszdul H - Prefix Codes Time limit exceeded C++ 1.041 2003-11-14 13:59:16
1440 Gosuslugiplorn I - Highway Monitor Wrong answer C++ 1.555 2003-11-14 13:59:06
1439 dischameli1970 G - Circle Strafing Runtime error C++ 0.127 2003-11-14 13:59:03
1438 Aleksandrs Saveljevs H - Prefix Codes Wrong answer PASCAL 0.002 2003-11-14 13:59:00
1437 omar E - Find the Project Wrong answer C++ 0.109 2003-11-14 13:58:56
1436 nikitha J - Volume Measurement Wrong answer C++ 0.000 2003-11-14 13:58:50
1435 Gudnar Guarachi Cruz J - Volume Measurement Wrong answer C++ 0.002 2003-11-14 13:58:44
1434 Ociuold E - Find the Project Wrong answer PASCAL 0.014 2003-11-14 13:58:38
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