




# User Problem Verdict Language Run Time Submission Date
762 Adrian Kügel A - Make Palindrome Time limit exceeded C++ 8.039 2003-02-22 10:40:20
761 evecl60 H - Find the Permuted String Accepted PASCAL 0.021 2003-02-22 10:40:17
760 Dmitry Zhukov A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer PASCAL 6.508 2003-02-22 10:40:07
759 kilinawhapse B - Trexpression Wrong answer C++ 0.221 2003-02-22 10:39:56
758 marciec18 E - Magic Car Accepted ANSI C 3.432 2003-02-22 10:39:56
757 minyashwhapse G - The Tree Root Time limit exceeded C++ 4.068 2003-02-22 10:39:50
756 Téglás Ervin A - Make Palindrome Time limit exceeded C++ 8.037 2003-02-22 10:39:38
755 Alex Nedashkivskiy B - Trexpression Wrong answer C++ 0.385 2003-02-22 10:39:35
754 ellomusorp1984 I - Difference Accepted C++ 1.326 2003-02-22 10:39:24
753 Vrandik and I I - Difference Time limit exceeded PASCAL 6.055 2003-02-22 10:39:24
752 keisy762 B - Trexpression Wrong answer C++ 0.000 2003-02-22 10:39:15
751 minyashwhapse G - The Tree Root Runtime error C++ 0.025 2003-02-22 10:39:15
750 Larry G - The Tree Root Wrong answer ANSI C 0.859 2003-02-22 10:39:02
749 Devansh Singh Rathore G - The Tree Root Wrong answer C++ 0.002 2003-02-22 10:38:57
748 Clarence Lin G - The Tree Root Wrong answer PASCAL 0.002 2003-02-22 10:38:54
747 neerajanallagachu B - Trexpression Memory limit exceeded PASCAL 0.848 2003-02-22 10:38:54
746 MNU Team C - Gray Code Compilation error PASCAL 0.000 2003-02-22 10:38:27
745 dischameli1970 A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 1.846 2003-02-22 10:38:21
744 Dmitriyneoni H - Find the Permuted String Compilation error PASCAL 0.000 2003-02-22 10:38:18
743 lemontree I - Difference Accepted PASCAL 1.477 2003-02-22 10:38:12
742 Manikanta chintha G - The Tree Root Time limit exceeded C++ 4.068 2003-02-22 10:37:50
741 Sohag Kazi I - Difference Wrong answer PASCAL 1.621 2003-02-22 10:37:24
740 sahithi A - Make Palindrome Runtime error ANSI C 0.004 2003-02-22 10:37:24
739 Anirban I - Difference Accepted PASCAL 0.936 2003-02-22 10:37:18
738 DoraDora I - Difference Accepted C++ 1.074 2003-02-22 10:37:12
737 Hubery A - Make Palindrome Time limit exceeded C++ 8.031 2003-02-22 10:37:11
736 Dmitry Zhukov A - Make Palindrome Time limit exceeded PASCAL 8.031 2003-02-22 10:37:01
735 Denis Davydov G - The Tree Root Time limit exceeded C++ 4.098 2003-02-22 10:36:54
734 Dmitriyneoni H - Find the Permuted String Wrong answer PASCAL 0.002 2003-02-22 10:36:49
733 Philip Poppler J - Is There A Second Way Left? Wrong answer PASCAL 0.000 2003-02-22 10:36:49
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Display # Results 961 - 990 of 1722