




# User Problem Verdict Language Run Time Submission Date
1182 janaki ram Gembali H - Find the Permuted String Accepted C++ 0.004 2003-02-22 11:45:09
1181 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-02-22 11:44:54
1180 A. Divya Sahithi B - Trexpression Wrong answer ANSI C 0.082 2003-02-22 11:44:54
1179 kota.harish kumar I - Difference Runtime error C++ 0.002 2003-02-22 11:44:12
1178 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-02-22 11:43:50
1177 DoraDora B - Trexpression Wrong answer C++ 0.246 2003-02-22 11:43:41
1176 minyashwhapse G - The Tree Root Time limit exceeded C++ 4.068 2003-02-22 11:43:41
1175 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-02-22 11:43:38
1174 Larry G - The Tree Root Accepted ANSI C 0.855 2003-02-22 11:43:28
1173 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-02-22 11:43:13
1172 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.014 2003-02-22 11:42:43
1171 Shivansh H - Find the Permuted String Accepted C++ 0.002 2003-02-22 11:42:41
1170 TuringEdu A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer PASCAL 4.402 2003-02-22 11:42:40
1169 logistic9 D - Intelligent Cats Wrong answer PASCAL 0.061 2003-02-22 11:42:35
1168 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-02-22 11:42:24
1167 elva duck B - Trexpression Wrong answer C++ 1.641 2003-02-22 11:42:13
1166 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-02-22 11:41:47
1165 Mandadi Karthik A - Make Palindrome Compilation error C++ 0.000 2003-02-22 11:41:38
1164 Lego Haryanto I - Difference Time limit exceeded JAVA 6.021 2003-02-22 11:41:38
1163 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-02-22 11:41:36
1162 janaki ram Gembali H - Find the Permuted String Compilation error C++ 0.000 2003-02-22 11:41:31
1161 mort si ganci J - Is There A Second Way Left? Wrong answer C++ 0.273 2003-02-22 11:40:56
1160 rushikeswa rao G - The Tree Root Wrong answer PASCAL 0.000 2003-02-22 11:40:56
1159 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.014 2003-02-22 11:40:43
1158 Renat Mullakhanov I - Difference Accepted PASCAL 3.301 2003-02-22 11:40:41
1157 sreepoojyapisipati I - Difference Accepted C++ 0.365 2003-02-22 11:40:25
1156 Marry A - Make Palindrome Wrong answer C++ 0.012 2003-02-22 11:40:25
1155 Low Jun Kai, Sean H - Find the Permuted String Wrong answer C++ 0.006 2003-02-22 11:40:20
1154 Isaac To F - Cricket Ranking Wrong answer C++ 0.266 2003-02-22 11:39:57
1153 Kerdium I - Difference Accepted PASCAL 0.336 2003-02-22 11:39:57
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Display # Results 541 - 570 of 1722