




# User Problem Verdict Language Run Time Submission Date
348 hnust_sunibn E - Enemy at the Gates Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:23:19
347 Kishwar Shafin Anik E - Enemy at the Gates Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:22:57
346 Pol Mauri G - Grand Wedding Accepted C++ 2.252 2012-02-18 11:22:49
345 Ibrahim Nash H - Happy 10/9 Day Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2012-02-18 11:21:52
344 Igor Kushnir H - Happy 10/9 Day Wrong answer C++ 0.016 2012-02-18 11:21:34
343 tmt@m(_ _)m C - Counting Triangles Accepted C++ 0.740 2012-02-18 11:21:06
342 Token1212 G - Grand Wedding Wrong answer C++ 2.124 2012-02-18 11:20:48
341 Zhengjie Xu A - Answering Queries on a Tree Runtime error C++ 0.000 2012-02-18 11:20:45
340 Pol Mauri G - Grand Wedding Wrong answer C++ 2.444 2012-02-18 11:20:27
339 Damian Straszak G - Grand Wedding Accepted C++ 1.424 2012-02-18 11:20:23
338 nocLyt E - Enemy at the Gates Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:20:21
337 sn H - Happy 10/9 Day Wrong answer C++ 0.136 2012-02-18 11:20:04
336 _Andy H - Happy 10/9 Day Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2012-02-18 11:19:40
335 Hein Blöd G - Grand Wedding Wrong answer C++ 1.824 2012-02-18 11:19:34
334 Ángel García Gómez G - Grand Wedding Accepted C++ 2.372 2012-02-18 11:18:47
333 Damian Straszak G - Grand Wedding Wrong answer C++ 1.600 2012-02-18 11:18:38
332 sn H - Happy 10/9 Day Compilation error C++ 0.000 2012-02-18 11:18:37
331 wa_wa C - Counting Triangles Wrong answer C++ 1.192 2012-02-18 11:18:20
330 Yuehang Chen E - Enemy at the Gates Accepted C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:18:14
329 Kodai Miyamura G - Grand Wedding Accepted C++ 1.052 2012-02-18 11:17:19
328 Anxier E - Enemy at the Gates Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:16:37
327 LayCurse G - Grand Wedding Accepted ANSI C 0.568 2012-02-18 11:15:39
326 Ibrahim Nash H - Happy 10/9 Day Runtime error C++ 0.000 2012-02-18 11:15:04
325 Yuehang Chen E - Enemy at the Gates Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:14:56
324 kyuridenamida E - Enemy at the Gates Accepted C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:14:38
323 wa_wa H - Happy 10/9 Day Wrong answer C++ 0.020 2012-02-18 11:14:08
322 Sakurako Minase A - Answering Queries on a Tree Accepted C++ 1.788 2012-02-18 11:13:38
321 Yuehang Chen E - Enemy at the Gates Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:12:59
320 LayCurse G - Grand Wedding Wrong answer ANSI C 0.576 2012-02-18 11:12:50
319 nocLyt E - Enemy at the Gates Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2012-02-18 11:12:44
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Display # Results 451 - 480 of 798