




# User Problem Verdict Language Run Time Submission Date
1309 Mogoreanu Daniel L - DNA II Accepted C++ 0.012 2011-04-09 11:01:17
1308 Anton I - Dice Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2011-04-09 11:01:07
1307 Vytautas J - Divisor Game Time limit exceeded C++ 2.000 2011-04-09 11:00:59
1306 w k C - Battleships Accepted C++ 0.020 2011-04-09 11:00:59
1305 Rainboy B - Arithmetic Accepted C++ 0.012 2011-04-09 11:00:51
1304 Yuta Harima T - Lucky Numbers Accepted C++ 0.028 2011-04-09 11:00:48
1303 Rubiks³ H - Coming Home Wrong answer ANSI C 0.008 2011-04-09 11:00:37
1302 Ahmed Aly B - Arithmetic Wrong answer C++ 0.172 2011-04-09 11:00:11
1301 Tran Trong Hieu O - Extra Spaces Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2011-04-09 11:00:05
1300 Imtiaz Shakil Siddique O - Extra Spaces Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2011-04-09 10:59:58
1299 Gabriel Marques Portal T - Lucky Numbers Wrong answer C++ 0.032 2011-04-09 10:59:58
1298 Robert Gerbicz H - Coming Home Wrong answer ANSI C 0.008 2011-04-09 10:59:55
1297 KuplyuMoped W - Sierpinski Carpet Wrong answer C++ 0.016 2011-04-09 10:59:47
1296 S220900406 J - Divisor Game Compilation error C++ 0.000 2011-04-09 10:59:41
1295 Patcas Csaba R - In The Airport Wrong answer C++ 0.028 2011-04-09 10:59:38
1294 Loic J - Divisor Game Wrong answer C++ 0.136 2011-04-09 10:59:26
1293 I - Dice Wrong answer C++ 0.008 2011-04-09 10:59:21
1292 AncientK I - Dice Wrong answer C++ 0.020 2011-04-09 10:59:07
1291 Tran Trong Hieu O - Extra Spaces Compilation error C++ 0.000 2011-04-09 10:58:37
1290 Ahmed Aly B - Arithmetic Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2011-04-09 10:58:32
1289 Yuta Harima T - Lucky Numbers Presentation error C++ 0.020 2011-04-09 10:58:32
1288 nel215 E - Binomial Theorem Accepted C++ 0.016 2011-04-09 10:58:31
1287 Ahmed Aly B - Arithmetic Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2011-04-09 10:58:17
1286 叶寥亮 Y - Tele-loto Wrong answer C++ 0.028 2011-04-09 10:58:07
1285 practice2 H - Coming Home Accepted C++ 0.016 2011-04-09 10:58:07
1284 Egor Kulikov K - DNA Time limit exceeded JAVA 1.000 2011-04-09 10:58:03
1283 Ahmed Aly B - Arithmetic Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2011-04-09 10:58:03
1282 Checkmate E - Binomial Theorem Runtime error C++ 0.000 2011-04-09 10:58:01
1281 fzu221000116 T - Lucky Numbers Time limit exceeded C++ 1.000 2011-04-09 10:57:56
1280 Farhan Bashar E - Binomial Theorem Wrong answer C++ 0.024 2011-04-09 10:57:49
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Display # Results 2401 - 2430 of 3709