




# User Problem Verdict Language Run Time Submission Date
1151 Asha F - Marbles Accepted ANSI C 0.120 2001-02-24 13:36:15
1150 Samial Mohaimin Efti B - Test the Rods Accepted C++ 0.780 2001-02-24 13:35:58
1149 王昱翔 C - The Tajmahal of ++Y2k Accepted C++ 0.030 2001-02-24 13:35:01
1148 Alexandr Andoni G - The Valentine's Day Wrong answer PASCAL 0.000 2001-02-24 13:34:54
1147 aswin sure G - The Valentine's Day Wrong answer PASCAL 0.010 2001-02-24 13:34:11
1146 itprerbisi1976 I - An Easy Problem! Wrong answer C++ 0.030 2001-02-24 13:34:01
1145 ECS (J.Univ) J - Place the Guards Time limit exceeded C++ 3.040 2001-02-24 13:33:12
1144 ECS (J.Univ) F - Marbles Time limit exceeded C++ 3.070 2001-02-24 13:32:52
1143 王昱翔 D - Trees on My Island Accepted C++ 0.090 2001-02-24 13:32:08
1142 aswin sure G - The Valentine's Day Wrong answer PASCAL 0.000 2001-02-24 13:31:17
1141 Ashok Bekkanti F - Marbles Wrong answer ANSI C 0.140 2001-02-24 13:31:06
1140 Jimmy Mårdell H - The Problem with the Problem Setter Memory limit exceeded ANSI C 0.470 2001-02-24 13:30:50
1139 University of Stony Brook F - Marbles Time limit exceeded ANSI C 3.050 2001-02-24 13:30:42
1138 car loans guaranteed B - Test the Rods Wrong answer ANSI C 0.330 2001-02-24 13:30:41
1137 Onlyyouneoni A - The most distant state Accepted PASCAL 12.940 2001-02-24 13:30:28
1136 inwappuncse1974 I - An Easy Problem! Wrong answer PASCAL 0.000 2001-02-24 13:29:26
1135 aswin sure G - The Valentine's Day Wrong answer PASCAL 0.010 2001-02-24 13:29:15
1134 ceumuvernia1981 G - The Valentine's Day Wrong answer PASCAL 0.020 2001-02-24 13:29:02
1133 王昱翔 D - Trees on My Island Wrong answer C++ 0.080 2001-02-24 13:28:59
1132 slatbortiofor1985 H - The Problem with the Problem Setter Accepted C++ 4.490 2001-02-24 13:28:41
1131 Huned I - An Easy Problem! Wrong answer C++ 0.040 2001-02-24 13:28:23
1130 王昱翔 F - Marbles Wrong answer C++ 0.150 2001-02-24 13:28:05
1129 erspansupcoa1987 J - Place the Guards Wrong answer PASCAL 0.060 2001-02-24 13:28:00
1128 abcd D - Trees on My Island Compilation error C++ 0.000 2001-02-24 13:27:55
1127 slatbortiofor1985 G - The Valentine's Day Wrong answer C++ 0.000 2001-02-24 13:27:23
1126 ECS (J.Univ) J - Place the Guards Time limit exceeded C++ 3.040 2001-02-24 13:27:22
1125 aswin sure G - The Valentine's Day Wrong answer PASCAL 0.010 2001-02-24 13:27:20
1124 inwappuncse1974 I - An Easy Problem! Wrong answer PASCAL 0.010 2001-02-24 13:26:54
1123 Zulkigorwhapse B - Test the Rods Wrong answer ANSI C 0.200 2001-02-24 13:26:46
1122 Samial Mohaimin Efti B - Test the Rods Accepted C++ 0.770 2001-02-24 13:26:30
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Display # Results 1 - 30 of 1151