




# User Problem Verdict Language Run Time Submission Date
2395 Juan Miguel Cadavid Jiménez G - Multiplication Wrong answer C++ 0.023 2006-09-23 14:00:55
2394 286ljb D - Expression Accepted C++ 0.031 2006-09-23 14:00:53
2393 A S G - Multiplication Accepted ANSI C 0.031 2006-09-23 14:00:50
2392 Adrian Kügel E - The Luncheon Time limit exceeded C++ 1.025 2006-09-23 14:00:44
2391 Hongyu Nie G - Multiplication Wrong answer C++ 0.070 2006-09-23 14:00:44
2390 TJU Hurricane F - Counting Zeroes Memory limit exceeded C++ 0.072 2006-09-23 14:00:36
2389 wensserule1971 F - Counting Zeroes Memory limit exceeded C++ 0.078 2006-09-23 14:00:36
2388 Sadiqur Rahman C - Collecting Marbles Time limit exceeded C++ 10.078 2006-09-23 14:00:32
2387 Hongyu Nie G - Multiplication Wrong answer C++ 0.068 2006-09-23 14:00:30
2386 Free Wings, Yeah! I - Protecting Zonk Wrong answer C++ 0.369 2006-09-23 14:00:30
2385 Carlos de Salles Soares Neto B - Potentiometers Time limit exceeded C++ 6.029 2006-09-23 14:00:29
2384 kindovskaya E - The Luncheon Wrong answer C++ 0.889 2006-09-23 14:00:29
2383 compfettsoni1989 C - Collecting Marbles Wrong answer C++ 3.865 2006-09-23 14:00:26
2382 Carlos de Salles Soares Neto B - Potentiometers Memory limit exceeded C++ 0.082 2006-09-23 14:00:24
2381 Pitakpong F - Counting Zeroes Wrong answer C++ 9.389 2006-09-23 14:00:24
2380 Lyubashawhapse F - Counting Zeroes Time limit exceeded PASCAL 10.096 2006-09-23 14:00:24
2379 Zainab Farooq Jafar G - Multiplication Wrong answer C++ 0.035 2006-09-23 14:00:19
2378 Dexzyr G - Multiplication Wrong answer C++ 0.166 2006-09-23 14:00:16
2377 taney B - Potentiometers Time limit exceeded C++ 6.023 2006-09-23 14:00:11
2376 Alexander Kozlov F - Counting Zeroes Runtime error C++ 0.795 2006-09-23 14:00:10
2375 Korduban [Kiev] C - Collecting Marbles Compilation error C++ 0.000 2006-09-23 14:00:10
2374 Ivan Vladimirov Ivanov F - Counting Zeroes Time limit exceeded ANSI C 10.025 2006-09-23 13:59:57
2373 Alex Skidanov F - Counting Zeroes Time limit exceeded C++ 10.072 2006-09-23 13:59:57
2372 evelynwk1 H - Paint the Roads Wrong answer C++ 2.609 2006-09-23 13:59:51
2371 Ortigali G - Multiplication Time limit exceeded C++ 1.041 2006-09-23 13:59:51
2370 rickysu69 C - Collecting Marbles Compilation error C++ 0.000 2006-09-23 13:59:50
2369 Alex Skidanov F - Counting Zeroes Compilation error C++ 0.000 2006-09-23 13:59:50
2368 SUST_ENDEAVOUR A - Mobile Casanova Wrong answer C++ 0.559 2006-09-23 13:59:41
2367 Pitakpong F - Counting Zeroes Wrong answer C++ 9.365 2006-09-23 13:59:35
2366 rainfarmerX D - Expression Wrong answer C++ 0.043 2006-09-23 13:59:24
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