Long time ago, most of PCs were equipped with video cards that worked only in text mode. If the programmer wanted to show a picture on a screen, he had to use pseudographics or ASCII art like this:

/  \

In this problem you are given a polygon, drawn using ASCII art. Your task is to calculate its area. The picture is formed using characters `.', `\', and `/'. Each character represents a unit square of the picture. Character `.' represents an empty square, character `/' -- a square with a segment from the lower left corner to the upper right corner, and character `\' -- a square with a segment from the upper left corner to the lower right corner.



The first line of the input file contains integer numbers h and w (2$ \le$h, w$ \le$100) -- height and width of the picture. Next h lines contain w characters each -- the picture drawn using ASCII art.

It is guaranteed that the picture contains exactly one polygon without self-intersections and self-touches.


Print to the output file one integer number -- the area of the polygon.

Sample Input 

4 4

Sample Output