An object module is produced by a compiler as a result of processing a source program. A linking loader (or just a linker) is used to combine the multiple object modules used when a program contains several separately compiled modules. Two of its primary tasks are to relocate the code and data in each object module (since the compiler does not know where in memory a module will be placed), and to resolve symbolic references from one module to another. For example, a main program may reference a square root function called sqrt, and that function may be defined in a separate source module. The linker will then minimally have to assign addresses to the code and data in each module, and put the address of the sqrt function in the appropriate location(s) in the main module's code.

An object module contains (in order) zero or more external symbol definitions, zero or more external symbol references, zero or more bytes of code and data (that may include references to the values of external symbols), and an end of module marker. In this problem, an object module is represented as a sequence of text lines, each beginning with a single uppercase character that characterizes the remainder of the line. The format of each of these lines is as follows. Whitespace (one or more blanks and/or tab characters) will appear between the fields in these lines. Additional whitespace may follow the last field in each line.

You may assume that no address requires more than four hexadecimal digits. Lines are always given in the order shown above. There are no syntax errors in the input.


This problem has multiple input cases. The input for each case is one or more object modules, in sequence, that are to be linked, followed by a line beginning with a dollar sign. The first address at which code is to be loaded in each case is 10016.

The last case will be followed by a line containing only a dollar sign.


For each case, print the case number (starting with 1), the 16-bit checksum of the loaded bytes (as described below), and the load map showing the address of each externally defined or referenced symbol, in ascending order of symbol name. For undefined symbols, print the value as four question marks, but use zero as the symbol's value when it is referenced in ``C" lines. If a symbol is defined more than once, print `M' following the address shown in the load map, and use the value from the first definition encountered in any object module to satisfy external references. Format the output exactly as shown in the samples.

The 16-bit checksum is computed by first setting it to zero. Then, for each byte assigned to a memory location by the loader, in increasing address order, circularly left shift the checksum by one bit, and add the byte from the memory location, discarding any carry out of the low-order 16 bits.

Sample Input 

C 03 01 02 03
C 03 04 05 06
C 10 1 2 3 4 5 $ 0 6 7 8 9 A B C D E
C 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
C 8 90 A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 $ 1
C 5 $ 0 FF EE DD
C 06 A B C D E F
C 06 51 52 53 54 55 56

Sample Output 

Case 1: checksum = 0078
--------  ----
END       0105
MAIN      0100

Case 2: checksum = 548C
--------  ----
ENTRY     0104
SUBX      0126 M
SUBY      ????