ACM ICPC, Brazil Sub-Regional 

Maratona de Programação da
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação

12th September 2015
The things you should know:
  • Scroll down to see the Problemset.
  • Judge runs in a virtual environment in the cloud.
  • For all problems assume pi=2*acos(0) or pi=2*cos_inverse(0).
  • The Contest duration may be increased for our mistakes or to give people more Time to Practice.
  • To send clarification send mail to
  • The Clarification replies will be given via email. But it may also be put in the Clarification Board if it is of general interest.
  • Please look at the Clarification Board for any correction notice.
  • Take input from standard input and produce output in standard output

The Problemset

Serial Title PDF File Link
Problem A Even Obsession PDF for A
Problem B Stock Market PDF for B
Problem C Tri-du PDF for C
Problem D Puzzle PDF for D
Problem E Spiral PDF for E
Problem F Factorial PDF for F
Problem G Curious Guardians PDF for G
Problem H Rectangle Park PDF for H
Problem I Ominobox PDF for I
Problem J Strategy Game PDF for J
Problem K Palindrome PDF for K
Problem L Lottery PDF for L

Click here to get the entire PDF Problemset

- ACM Valladolid On-line Judge team