Problem J. Stone Age

There is a very large square in Stone Age. People are entering and leaving the square very frequently. When there is a tribe whose number of people in the square is strictly larger than the number of other people in the square, we say that tribe is dangerous.

Your task is to keep checking whether there is a dangerous tribe.

Interaction Protocol

Your program should read from standard input, and write to standard output. After printing each line to the standard output, you should flush the output, by calling fflush(stdout) or cout << flush in C/C++, flush(output) in Pascal and System.out.flush() in Java. Please read general instructions for interactive problems for more information.

There is only one test case. Keep using Getjob command to read an integer v per line, until v=-2 (see below). There will be no more than 50000 jobs.

0New event: There is a person entered the square. People are numbered 1, 2, ... in the same order as they enter the square.
>0New event: The person numbered v left the square.
-1You need to check whether there is a dangerous tribe and tell us the result with an Answer command.
-2The test case is finished.

You should issue an Answer command exactly once for each v=-1, and after each new event (v>=0), you can issue Query commands to gather information. You should not issue any Query command after v=-1 (you need to Answer immediately).

GetjobReturns the next v. See the table above. When v=-2, the test case is finished.
Query i jReturns s, whether person i and person j belongs to the same tribe. Both i and j must have entered the square. (They can be already gone, though).
Answer iTells us whether there is a dangerous tribe. i=0 means there is no dangerous tribe, otherwise person i must be still in the square, and his tribe is dangerous. This command does not return anything.

If your program violated any of these rules (bad format, invalid arguments etc), the server will exit immediately, and you will receive Protocol Violation (PV).

Protocol Limit

After each new event, you can issue at most 5 Query commands, otherwise you'll get Protocol Limit Exceeded (PLE).

Sample Interaction

       Query 1 2
       Answer 0
       Query 2 3
       Answer 2
       Answer 0

Sample Explanation

In the example above, their tribe ID for each person is: 1, 2, 2.

Rujia Liu's Present 7: Hello, Interactive Problems!
Classic Problem
Adapted by Rujia Liu
Source: IOI China Team Selection Contest 2004
Special Thanks: Original Alternative solution writers