Attractive Grid 

Mr. Naruto is a super programmer and he is working for a company named SSK(Screen Systems of Konoha). The company assigned him a task, which is he has to create a screenwhere each pixel of the screen can hold multiple colors simultaneously. Here are the properties of the screen:

Mr. Naruto successfully completed the task of constructing the screen and now he wants to do an experiment on the screen.

After doing E such experiments, he is wondering about the intensity level of the pixels. You have to find how many pixels in the screen have an intensity level of at least L.


The first line of input will contain an integer T ( 1$ \le$T$ \le$15) which is the number of test cases. The first line of each test case contains three space separated integers M ( 1$ \le$M$ \le$2*109), E ( 1$ \le$E$ \le$105) and L ( 0$ \le$L$ \le$105). Where M is the screens side length, E is the number of experiments and L is the desired intensity level.

Then following E lines each describes an experiment. Each experiment is denoted by four integers r ccc. Where 1$ \le$r$ \le$M and 1$ \le$c1$ \le$c2$ \le$M. And c will be between 1 and 105 (inclusive). There is a blank line after each test case in the input.


For each case, print the case number and then the number of pixels in the screen having intensity level at least L. See sample output for the format.

Sample Input 

10 4 1
3 2 6 1
4 2 5 1
5 4 8 2
3 7 10 3

10 4 2
3 2 6 1
4 2 5 1
5 4 8 2
3 7 10 3

Sample Output 

Case 1: 39
Case 2: 17

Problemsetter: Kazi Rakibul Hossain
Special Thanks: Tasnim Imran Sunny, Abu Obaida Opu