N + NOD (N)


Standard Input


Standard Output


Consider an integer sequence N where,

N0 = 1
Ni = Ni-1 + NOD(Ni-1)- for i > 0

Here, NOD(x) = number of divisors of x.

So the first few terms of this sequence are 1 2 4 7 9 12 18…

Given two integers A and B, find out the number of integers in the above sequence that lies within the range [A, B].


The first line of input is an integer T (T < 100000), that indicates the number of test cases. Each case contains two integers, A followed by B (1 A B 1000000).


For each case, output the case number first followed by the required result.


Sample Input

Sample Output


1 18

1 100

3000 4000

Case 1: 7

Case 2: 20

Case 3: 87

Problemsetter: Sohel Hafiz, Special Thanks: Shamim Hafiz