Table Tennis


http://www.clker.com/cliparts/2/9/c/7/11949867871570711906table_tennis_omar_abo-na_01.svg.hi.pngTable tennis is a two/four player sport that originated in England. The scoring system of this game has changed with time. For this problem we will consider the two-player version of the game that abides by the following scoring rules (note that this rule is significantly different from the usual ones) –

·         Player 1 makes the first move. The players alternate serve every 5 points. That means serves [1,5] are done by player 1, serves [6, 10] are done by player 2, serves [11, 15] are done by player 1 and so on.

·         In each serve, one of the two players wins a point. The first player to reach 21 points wins the game.

·         If the scores are 20-20 (deuce), the scores are reset to 15-15.

Given a partial game, the probability of player 1 winning a point on his serve and the probability of player 1 winning a point on the opponent’s serve, can you find out the probability of player 1 winning the game?

The first line of input is an integer T(T<1000) that indicates the number of test cases. Each case consists of two lines. The first line is a string consisting of the letters “W” and “L” only. The length of this string is non-negative and can have a maximum value of 100. The string gives the status of the game so far. If the ith character (1 based) is “W”, that means player 1 won the ith point. Similarly, “L” indicates that the player 1 lost that point. The next line consists of two real numbers, P1 P2, in the range [0, 1], with at most 3 digits after the decimal point. P1 is the probability of player 1 winning a point on his serve and P2 is the probability of player 1 winning a point on player 2’s serve.

For each case, output the case number first. Then output the probability of player 1 winning the game rounded to 6 decimal places. If the given partial game is impossible according to any of the rules or data, output "-1.000000" instead. Outputs will be checked with special judge, so small precision errors will be ignored. Look at the samples for exact format.

Sample Input

Sample Output



1.0 0.234


0.3 0.99


1.0     1.0


0.7 0.3

Case 1: 1.000000

Case 2: 1.000000

Case 3: -1.000000

Case 4: 0.444026

Problem Setter: Sohel Hafiz, Special Thanks: Samee Zahur


Case 1: Player 1 has already won 20 points and next it’s his serve. To win the next point (which is also the game point) he has a 1.0 probability of winning

Case 2: Player 1 has already won 21 points and he won the game and so it’s 1.000000.

Case 3: The game should stop after 21 points, but the string has an extra “W” and makes this game invalid, so output is -1.000000.