NCPC 2008

The 2008 Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest (online version)

The Problem Set

A Aspen Avenue
B Best Compression Ever
C Code Theft
D Dinner
E Event Planning
F Fixing the Bugs
G Getting Gold
H Hard Evidence
I Introspective Caching
J Just A Few More Triangles!


The entire problemset (in pdf, 925 kb).
The input and output specifications don't match exactly the correct html version.
Send clarification requests to (they will most likely be answered with "No comment, read problem statement.").
For problems with floating-point output, the exact number of digits you print is irrelevant, as long as the error of your answer is within the margin specified in the problem.
Disclaimer: in order to keep time limits low, some of the problems may have smaller judge data and/or stricter speed requirements than in the real contest.