Problem C
Pyramid Number

Input: Standard Input

Output: Standard Output


A group of archaeologists have come across a new kind of number pattern while analyzing the hieroglyphs patterns in ‘The not so great pyramid’. They have decided to call these numbers ‘Pyramid numbers’.


A number n is called a Pyramid number if we can partition n into k positive integers xi (1<=i<=k) such that = 1. For example,

So, 4 (2 + 2) is a Pyramid number.


A number n is called a Strictly Pyramid number if we can partition n into k distinct positive integers xi (1 i k) such that = 1. For example,

Here, 11 (2 + 3 + 6) is Strictly Pyramid whereas in the above example, 4 is Pyramid but not Strictly Pyramid.


Given two positive integers a & b, find the number of Strictly Pyramid numbers between a & b (inclusive).



The first line of the input file will contain an integer T (T<=100), the number of test cases. Each of the following T lines will be consisting of 2 integers a & b (1 a, b 1000000).



For each test case, print an integer which is the number of Strictly Pyramid numbers between a & b (inclusive).


Sample Input                         Output for Sample Input


1 10

1 11

1 100

70 80

110 120






Problemsetter: Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman

Special Thanks to: Igor Naverniouk