Line Chart

Input: Standard Input

Output: Standard Output


ACRush is very famous in Supercoder. Supercoder is a professional company which arranges online algorithmic contests and rates peoples based on those contests. In Supercoder algorithm contest ranklist, ACRush is ranked third. Now a days he is doing some analysis on his rating history in Supercoder algorithm contest. In Supercoder, an algorithm contest is termed as a Single Round Tournament (SRT). After each SRT is finished, rating of a contestant is updated according to his/her relative performance. ACRush collected all these rating information, and using those he created a line chart.  

To make things more clear, let us consider the following table as his rating info.
















From this table, we see that his first SRT was SRT#306, and rating after that SRT was 1, so he

marked point (1, 1) as r1 in graph paper, his second SRT was SRT#320 and rating after that SRT was 3, so he marked (2, 3) as r2, then he add r1 with r2 by a straight line and so on.

In general for his ith SRT he marked point (i, rating after ith SRT) by ri.

After marking all the points he will add point ri with ri-1 by straight lines, for all  1 < i <=N, Where N is the total number of SRTs he played. For better idea look at figure 1:


Fig 1: Line chart cosidering all SRTs

Fig 2: Line chart ignoring SRT #380


After drawing line chart, he became very interested about the number of peaks. There are two kinds of peaks in a line chart, 1) Upper Peak and 2) Lower Peak. Upper Peak is that point in a line chart whose previous and next point has smaller y coordinates and lower peak is that points in a line chart whose previous and next point has greater y coordinates. For example total number of peak in figure 1 is 3. Two of them upper peak, which are (3, 4) and (5, 5), and one of them is lower peak which is (4, 2).

ACRush observed that by ignoring SRT#380, his line chart will become like figure 2, in which number of peak is only 1. By observing this he became more curious. Now he wants to know, by ignoring 0 or more SRTs how many distinct line charts having K peaks is possible. ACRush calls these line charts “K-peak Line charts”, in a K-peak line chart he doesn’t allow two consecutive points to have same y coordinate.



Input will start with an integer T ( T ≤ 12 ), which indicates the number of test cases. Each case starts with a line having two integers N (1 ≤N ≤ 10000) and K ( 0 ≤ K ≤ 50 ). Each of the next N lines will contain two integers SRT ( 1 ≤ SRT ≤ 1000000000) and Rating ( 1 ≤ Rating ≤ 1000000000 ). All the SRT numbers will be distinct.



For Each test case output a single Line "Case #: W", here # will be replaced by case number and W will be replaced by the number of distinct K-peak line charts modulo 1000000.

Sample Input                               Output for Sample Input


6 1

320 3

306 1

401 3

325 4

393 5

380 2

4 1

101 3

102 2

103 2

104 4

3 0

102 2

101 1

103 3

Case 1: 20

Case 2: 1

Case 3: 8

Problem setter: Md. Arifuzzaman Arif, Special Thanks: A. A. mahmud, S. Hafiz, R. Liu