Problem E
Input: Standard Input

Output: Standard Output


A good encoding program has the following properties.

-it has some different symbols.

-Each of these different symbols is encoded into different strings which contains digits from 0 to k-1. Like for 3 different symbol and k = 2 corresponding encoding code can be 0,10,11.

-You can encode a string containing this different symbol by just concatenating their corresponding encoding code. Like from the previous example the encoding of the string babc is 1001011.

-You select the encoding of these symbols in such a way that you can decode the encoded string without any ambiguity. Means if you build a prefix tree with these encoding code then each of the node will have either k child or none. Huffman tree is a good example with similar tree k=2.


Now you have a set of n+m different symbol. But you have lost the encoding string of m of those. Given the encoding code of the rest of the n symbols you have determine how many ways you can select the encoding set of the lost m symbols.



First line contains T(1≤T≤100) the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow.

First line of each test case contain 3 integer n(0≤n≤1000),m(1≤m≤200) and k(2≤k≤5). Each of the next n line contains a string containing digits from 0 to k-1. This is encoding code for a symbol. These n codes are valid. Means none of these n string will not be prefix of one another.



For each test case find the number of way you can select the other m encoding string set. The number of way may be huge. Output the result%10007.


Sample Input                             Output for Sample Input


0 5 2

0 5 3

1 5 2


2 4 2



3 20 3











Problemsetter: Abdullah al Mahmud (Satej)

Special Thanks: Manzurur Rahman Khan