Problem E

Elegant Strings

Time Limit: 4 Second


A subsequence of a string T = t0t1t2…tn-1 is T ' = ti0ti1tim where i0 < i1 <….im and m < n.


A substring of a string is a subsequence of the string where every element is consecutive.


You will be given a string S. P is the set of all the distinct substrings of S of length 2. Now the elegancy of each element of P is the square of the index (1-based) in S of the first letter of that substring. If a substring occurs multiple times only the first occurrence should be considered for the elegancy. Suppose, S = abcabd. This means P is consisted of the substrings ab, bc, ca and bd. And the elegancies of those substrings are 1, 4, 9 and 25 respectively.


Now you will be given another string T. You have to split T to minimum amount of strings such that every string is a subsequence of T, any of the strings should not contain any substrings of length 2 which don’t belong to P. Every character of T should belong to exactly one string. If multiple ways to divide T to minimum amount of strings, you have to consider that which minimizes the total elegancy of all the strings. Elegancy of a string is the sum of elegancy of all the length 2 substrings of that string. For a one letter string the elegancy is 0. Total elegancy is the sum of elegancy of all the strings.


Let’s say, S = abcabd and T = bcadzb. One of the valid ways to split T is: {bc, ab, d, z}. Note that {acb, d, z, b} is not a valid way because “acb” is not a subsequence in T. Also {cab, bdz} is not a valid way either because the string “bdz” contains “dz” which don’t belong to P although all the elements are subsequences.  Now the optimal subsequences for this are {bcab, z, d} which has total elegancy of (14 + 0 + 0) = 14. For this case you can’t split T to less than 3 subsequences and with 3 subsequences it is the minimal total elegancy.



First line of the input contains a number X, the number of test cases which is at most 20. Each case starts with S. The next line contains T. Both S, T contains only lowercase letters. S consists of at most 1000 characters and T consists of at most 100 characters. There won’t be any blank lines between two lines.



You have to output two numbers K and C separated by a space where K is the minimum amount of strings possible by splitting T according to the above rules and C is the minimum total elegancy.








3 14





Problemsetter: Tasnim Imran Sunny

Special Thanks To: Simon Lo