10220 - I Love Big Numbers !

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10220 wa confused

Post by zsepi »

i honestly don't know what could be wrong with my solution - i pregenerate the factorials (0! -> 1000! - not even stripping the zeros from the end), calculate the sums of the digits, the program runs in time (less than a second), but still it's wa.... there cannot be tricky cases, the standard input works fine, so do my handchecked examples... Is there a trick in the format of the input I missed? I mean, is the following description correct?
Input: one integer for each test case, input ends with EOF
Output: one integer per line
thanx in advance for ur help
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Post by hager »

It sounds like you're doing it right, and if you've handled the special case
of 0! correctly, there isn't much I can think of. You could post the code or send it to me and I'll be happy to check it for you.

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Post by Trinity »


I`m not here to answer your question, but to make one...
Which king of variable did you use to keep the answer of the factorial.. I mean... its a pretty big number and I can`t make it work, well the biggest factorial I can answer is 25, rsrsrs...
Did you make a different way to work with that giant number??

Thanx Trinity
Zhao Le
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Post by Zhao Le »

Can any one tell me the way how can speed up the #10220?

I got TLE. :(
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Joseph Kurniawan
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Post by Joseph Kurniawan »

You can use precalc method for this problem.
For your reference see problem 324 - 500!
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Post by Master »

Obeviously this is a big integer problem and the precalculation is must for this problem.
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Re: TLE 10220.

Post by jhonny_yang »

Zhao Le wrote:Can any one tell me the way how can speed up the #10220?

I got TLE. :(
using array only 10000 , save the result into the array. that's linear time
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10220 - I Love Big Numbers !

Post by boshkash1986 »

My solution runs in reasonable ammount of time but i get wrong answer i tried every possible answer but i always got WA
can anyone help with test case that can determine whether my code runs correctly or not

(Note : i tried 0!)

thanks alot for your help
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Post by boshkash1986 »

can not anyone help me

Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman
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Post by Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman »

0 is most probably not in the judge input. However, here are some I/O for your testing.

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

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Post by boshkash1986 »

thanks alot for your help
I had a small bug and i fixed it and i got AC

thanks again for your help
Raiyan Kamal
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Post by Raiyan Kamal »

Thanks Mahmud vai ! Small mistakes make such a big mess.
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Post by kana »

i've tried the test cases and my code outputs 10215 for input - 987. :o

can anyone help me with the ouptout of 987!. plz
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Post by Jan »

I think I havent understood your question right. The output for 987 is 10206, which was posted by Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman. But if you want to know the value of 987! then PM me.
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Re: 10220 - I Love Big Numbers !

Post by Scarecrow »

i cant figure it out why i'm getting RE..seems no error.i used almost the same code for 623 - Factorial Frequencies and got AC. but here incresed the string sizes as needed and getting RE! plz can any1 help me.. :(

Code: Select all

removed after AC
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