10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

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Post by Monsoon »

read once again problem statement and how many there are games to read?
Cezary Zukowski
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Post by Cezary Zukowski »

Yes, there aren't k games in total but k*n*(n-1)/2 games in total. I have got AC. Thanks.
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Post by Soarer »

I received a presentation error, but I don't know why. Can anyone help?

Code: Select all

        #include <iostream>
        #include <string>
        #include <iomanip>
        using namespace std;
        int main(){
               int num_of_players = 1, games_per_player, num_of_games;
               cin >> num_of_players;
               if(num_of_players == 0)
               cin >> games_per_player;
               num_of_games = games_per_player * num_of_players * (num_of_players - 1) / 2;
               int win[num_of_players], game[num_of_players];
               for(int i = 0; i < num_of_players; i++){
                       win[i] = 0;
                       game[i] = 0;
               int count = 0;
               int play_1 = 1, play_2;
               char game_1[10], game_2[10];
               while(count < num_of_games && play_1 != 0){                 
                  cin >> play_1 >> game_1 >> play_2 >> game_2;
                  if((game_1[0] == 'r' && game_2[0] == 'p') || (game_1[0] == 'p' && game_2[0] == 's') || (game_1[0] == 's' && game_2[0] == 'r')){
                           win[play_2 - 1] += 1;
                           game[play_2 - 1] += 1;
                           game[play_1 - 1] += 1;        
                  else if((game_2[0] == 'r' && game_1[0] == 'p') || (game_2[0] == 'p' && game_1[0] == 's') || (game_2[0] == 's' && game_1[0] == 'r')){
                           win[play_1 - 1] += 1;
                           game[play_1 - 1] += 1;
                           game[play_2 - 1] += 1;   
               for(int j = 0; j < num_of_players; j++){
                       if(game[j] == 0)
                       cout << "-" << endl;
                       cout << setiosflags ( ios::showpoint | ios::fixed ) << setprecision(3) << win[j]/double(game[j]) << endl;
               cout << endl;
             return 0;
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Post by mamun »

Presentation Error usually causes due to extra line in the output. In this problem you aren't supposed to print a blank line after the last case.
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Post by Soarer »

Thanks! I've fixed the problem. :D
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Post by ankit.arora »

i am getting WA but everything seems to be all right in my code.....
please if anyone can give me few test cases so that i am able to fix it.
Fuad Hassan EWU
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can't find the bug

Post by Fuad Hassan EWU »

Hi, this code is giving me WA :oops: . where is the bug :evil: ? plz help. thanks :lol:

Code: Select all

found the bug,trying to fix it. fixing in process....

Finally got AC
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Post by sapnil »

Try this case:

Code: Select all

2 12
1 rock 2 paper
1 scissors 2 paper
1 rock 2 rock
2 rock 1 scissors
1 rock 2 paper
1 scissors 2 paper
1 rock 2 rock
2 rock 1 scissors
1 rock 2 paper
1 scissors 2 paper
1 rock 2 rock
2 rock 1 scissors
2 8
1 rock 2 paper
1 scissors 2 paper
1 rock 2 rock
2 rock 1 scissors
1 rock 2 paper
1 scissors 2 paper
1 rock 2 rock
2 rock 1 scissors

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help! please

Post by Mata »

hi, i tried this problem but i just get Wa, if someone have some input so i can find my mistake.
here is my code

Code: Select all

got Ac
Last edited by Mata on Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rio »

Your code is overflowing when the input is "scissors".

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Post by Mata »

Thanks, I didn't notice it, now i got Ac
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by sreejond »

Last edited by sreejond on Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by x140l31 »

I was :o when I got TLE...

Code: Select all

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

typedef vector<int> VI;

int main()
    int n, k, first = 1;
    while (cin >> n and n)
        if (not first) cout << endl;
        first = false;
        cin >> k;
        int gam = k*n*(n - 1)/2;
        VI win(n + 1), lose(n + 1);
        while (gam--)
            int p1, p2;
            string act1, act2;
            cin >> p1 >> act1 >> p2 >> act2;
            if (act1 == "rock")
                if (act2 == "scissors") { win[p1]++; lose[p2]++; }
                else if (act2 == "paper") { win[p2]++; lose[p1]++; }
            else if (act1 == "scissors")
                if (act2 == "paper") { win[p1]++; lose[p2]++; }
                else if (act2 == "rock") { win[p2]++; lose[p1]++; }
                if (act2 == "rock") { win[p1]++; lose[p2]++; }
                else if (act2 == "scissors") { win[p2]++; lose[p1]++; }

        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            double w = win[i], l = lose[i];
            if (w or l) cout << w/(w + l) << endl;
            else cout << '-' << endl;
there's any bug?
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by sp2hari »

Can anyone explain the output for the following input? I got the output from uvatoolkit.com.

Code: Select all

2 2
1 rock 2 paper
2 rock 1 paper
3 2
1 rock 2 paper
2 rock 1 paper

Code: Select all


Why is there a difference in the values in the first and the second case?
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by sp2hari »

sreejond wrote:hello,
i try this problem long time ago & still got WA.
Can enyone help me?
Where is my BUG?

here is my code:
Hi, sreejond,
I haven't seen your entire code, but just check this part

Code: Select all

        if(r1==0.0 && r2==0.0)
I think it should be a continue instead of break I guess. If the first player has an invalid win average, then it is not printing the rest of the players.
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