New language: Python ?

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New language: Python ?

Post by irmen »

I'd be very happy if the judge could accept a fifth programming language, namely Python.

Python is ideal for the sorts of algorithmic problems found here,
and it is also ready for an online judge system because there's
builtin support for restricted execution.
Furthermore it is extremely portable and doesn't even have to
be compiled, a Python program can be executed right away.

What do you think?
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Post by SilentStrike »

I'd love to be able to program the problems in Python. It's a nice langauge, and it's implementation is open source.
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Post by fpnc »

We're involved in major changes at this moment. We're not planning adding any other language by the moment. You'll have to wait for some time. Sorry!
Best regards,

Fernando N
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Post by Bj »

It has gone three years, will you consider Python now? It is a very nice language for some tasks, the only problem being reading from stdin (it is slightly clumsy).
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Post by misof »

Try the Sphere online judge:
It supports lots of different scripting languages. (And registering new members actually works :P )

No offense intended, but the usability of the UVa judge is getting worse and worse :(
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Post by shahriar_manzoor »

Yes we are having a dull time indeed, whether it is with online contest (problemset standard and submittion delay) or administration. But that's the problem with voluntary jobs, I hope things will improve soon.
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Post by Aengus »

Are there any hopes including Python in the number of allowed languages now? Now it becomes to more widespread among the competiotions. For example, it is allowed at Google Code Jam.
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Re: New language: Python ?

Post by TryCatchMe »

Hey all, even though it is about 14 years later, I thought I'd let you know you can now submit problems with Python!
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Re: New language: Python ?

Post by mgavin2 »

What's the format for submitting python source?

def main():
#entry point ?

or some kind of class Main?
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Re: New language: Python ?

Post by mgavin2 »

hopefully anyone that searches the forums for python code submission format can find this:

I've submitted an AC solution with this format

Code: Select all


def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":

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Re: New language: Python ?

Post by alamin007 »

I've face a lot of trouble to solve UVa problem . Maximum time I am facing Runtime Error . What wrong is going on I can't understand because when I solve codeforces problem I do not face any problem . Is there any special formate to use python ??
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