UVa Quick Access Tool 1.0.1 - Chrome Extension

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UVa Quick Access Tool 1.0.1 - Chrome Extension

Post by lamphanviet »

Hi everybody, I've just developed a small Chrome Extension named UVa Quick Access Tool.
You can access UVa Live submissions, specific user's submissions, quick submit form, problem detailed information.
You can install it here: http://goo.gl/EkvFn
Or direct link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... jfdmkgllhe

More details: No need to open a new tab, just in ONE CLICK, you can:
1. Submit your problem solution to UVa.
2. Have detailed information of one problem: name, time limit, some statistics (best running time, number of AC/WA/TLE/RE submissions) and some useful quick links related to the problem.
3. Watch UVa live submissions (auto updated).
4. Keep track of submissions of a specific user (auto updated).
If you have any feedback, please send your email to address lamphanviet@gmail.com. Any ideas will be valued.

Additional information: This tool is developed based on some components of UVa Management Tool - http://umt.boocode.com/, which is also a tool for UVa Online Judge; and uHunt APIs - http://uhunt.felix-halim.net/, which provides lots of useful functions and statistics of UVa Online Judge.

Have fun solving problems :) .
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