Command line tool for the UVa Online Judge website

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Command line tool for the UVa Online Judge website

Post by lucastan »

Command line tool for the UVa Online Judge website

I made this tool for myself and want to share with everybody!

UVA-NODE is an interactive shell where you can type commands to submit and check your submissions.

  • Remembers your account info and encrypts your passwords.
  • Password-less submission.
  • Check most recent submission status.
  • Template Support!
  • File name completion and problem number detection *new*
  • Non-interactive mode *new*
  • Cross-platform: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows or whatever node.js runs on
Get it at

Suggestions and questions are welcome
Last edited by lucastan on Fri May 17, 2013 10:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Command line tool for the UVa Online Judge website

Post by aczzdx »

Thx for your sharing. It's a very convinient tool !
Just a newbie
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Re: Command line tool for the UVa Online Judge website

Post by lucastan »

Hi, thanks for all your support.

I have updated with new features:
•Remembers your account info and encrypts your passwords.
•Password-less submissions.
•Checks most recent submission status.
•Template Support!
•File name completion and problem number detection *new*
•Non-interactive mode *new*
•Cross-platform: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows or whatever node.js runs on

Please give the project a star if you like it!
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Re: Command line tool for the UVa Online Judge website

Post by pinkrosi »

The other tip I could give you is to do something that is what naturally we all do when solving algorithm problems; if you struggle with a concept, make sure to solve it correctly once, and then reuse your solution.
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