10801 - Lift Hopping

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10801 - Lift Hopping

Post by Zuberul »

I used modified floyd-warshall & managed a wrong ans.
please give me some I/O.
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Re: Need I/O-10801

Post by lord_burgos »

Zuberul wrote:I used modified floyd-warshall & managed a wrong ans.
please give me some I/O.

Code: Select all

3 30
100 100 1
0 2 4 5 6 7 8 21 22 23 24 25 26 30
1 2 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 30
1 10 30

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Post by Zuberul »

hmm changed a bit & got the correct ans .
but this time got TLE.
what is the faster method to solve it.
can you explain please.

thanks for the help.
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Post by Abednego »

Research Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. The Big White book (Cormen, et al. "Introduction to Algorithms") is a good reference.
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Post by Cho »

What should be the output of this input?

Code: Select all

2 99
100 1
0 1 98 99
1 98
9900? or 417?
Krzysztof Duleba
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Post by Krzysztof Duleba »

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Post by Cho »

Oh.. that doesn't make sense :evil:
No wonder why shortest path works for this problem.
Krzysztof Duleba
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Post by Krzysztof Duleba »

But this is a regular shortest path problem. What would you expect?
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Post by misof »

The issue Cho was pointing to: Consider the test case he posted. The optimal solution is: take lift 1 from 0 to 1, take lift 2 from 1 to 98, take lift 1 from... oh, wait! Isn't the slow lift 1 somewhere around floor 2 now? How is it possible that suddenly it is here and I can take it again (to get to the floor 99)?

I think a way around this problem is to assume that if a lift is empty, it may move faster than if it is transporting a person. Then the assumption about waiting 60 seconds may make sense.
little joey
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Post by little joey »

I fully agree with cho on this matter. I think problem descriptions should withstand the reality check, otherwise they are misleading.

In cho's case:
1. take elevator 1 to floor 1, which takes 100 seconds
2. wait 60 seconds for elevator 2
3. take elevator 2 to floor 98, which takes 97 seconds
4. wait 60 seconds for elevator 1
5. tale elevator 1 to floor 99, which takes 100 seconds

The total trip takes 100+60+97+60+100 = 417 seconds.

But between step 2. and step 4. elevator 1 has 60+60+97 = 217 seconds to get from floor 1 to floor 98 at a speed of 100 seconds per floor. This is absurd. Or does it magically teleports from one floor to another if nobody is in it? Why wait 60 seconds then?

Complete rubbish...
Krzysztof Duleba
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Post by Krzysztof Duleba »

I don't agree. The problem statement says:
(for simplicity) the operation of switching an elevator on some floor always takes exactly a minute.
This information is enough. If it always takes a minute, we shouldn't worry about slow elevators at all.
little joey
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Post by little joey »

Sure, the problem description is complete in the sense that it contains enough information to solve the problem. My point is, however, that it pretends to describe a real life situation, but misses the reality check by several orders of magnitude.

Of course, to make a problem out of a real life situation, one has to make simplifications, assumptions and idealisations, but in my opinion they should only have a minor effect on the outcome of the problem. This is simply stretching it too far and therefore misleading.

But maybe I'm being too philosophical about it.
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Post by Abednego »

Cho and little joey, you're absolutely right. I could say that elevators use "subspace teleporting" to move between floors, but that procedure is dangerous to humans and it always takes exactly 60 seconds.

This is a poor defence though. Next time, I will do this problem the correct way. Stay tuned for "Lift Hopping 2.0"...
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Post by windows2k »

Hello, I thought it's a simple shortest path problem.
I used Dijksta's algorithm to solve and passed all the IO above.
But still get WA.
Could someone offer more input/output? THx :D
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Post by sqm »

Could somebody tell me how to read input in this task - I don't know how make my program stop reading list of floors that I am able to achieve using current elevator.. In C or C++
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