10653 - Bombs! NO they are Mines!!

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10653 - Bombs! NO they are Mines!!

Post by neno_uci »

I had 15+ RTE during the contest and I still don't get it, please try to find my error, or just try to give me a hint. This is my code:

#include <stdio.h>

int f1, c1, f2, c2, fil, col, mat[1000][1000];

void ReadData()
int n1, n2, f, c;

for (int i = 0; i <= fil - 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= col - 1; j++)
mat[j] = 0;

scanf("%d", &n1);

for (int i = 1; i <= n1; i++) {

scanf("%d %d", &f, &n2);

for (int j = 1; j <= n2; j++) {

scanf("%d", &c);
mat[f][c] = -1;

scanf("%d %d", &f1, &c1);
scanf("%d %d", &f2, &c2);

void MakeSolu()
const int movfil[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
const int movcol[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
int ax[2][1000000], ay[2][1000000], canta = 1, cantv, mov = 0, p = 0;
bool fin = false;

ax[0][0] = f1;
ay[0][0] = c1;
mat[f1][c1] = 1;

do {

cantv = 0;

for (int i = 0; i <= canta - 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {

int ft = ax[mov] + movfil[j];
int ct = ay[mov] + movcol[j];

if (ft >= 0 && ft < fil && ct >= 0 && ct < col)
if (mat[ft][ct] == 0) {

mat[ft][ct] = p;
ax[mov ^ 1][cantv] = ft;
ay[mov ^ 1][cantv] = ct;

if (ft == f2 && ct == c2)
fin = true;

mov ^= 1;
canta = cantv;

while (canta != 0 && !fin);

printf("%d\n", mat[f2][c2]);

int main()
scanf("%d %d", &fil, &col);

while (fil || col) {

scanf("%d %d", &fil, &col);

return 0;

Any help would be appreciated :o
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Post by UFP2161 »

[c]int ax[2][1000000], ay[2][1000000], canta = 1, cantv, mov = 0, p = 0;[/c]
The judge cannot allocate 16 MB of memory onto the stack, which is probably the reason for your RTE.
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Post by neno_uci »

Thanks a lot UFP2161, that was really my mistake, I did not know that :(

I feel bad since I did not solve the task during the contest because of this stupid error.

I am very pleased with your help, thanx again :wink:

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Post by technobug »

I used the following structure for my Point:

typedef struct P {
int x,y;
int z;

(where z means its deepness in the search).... then i do a simple BFS...

altough i did get AC, it ran during 3.4 secs.... only cause i use a recycling macro as follows:

#define n() (recC!=0 ? rec[--recC] : new P() );

otherwise it gives MLE.... how did you guys solve it in less time? u usually dont use a struct? just a int[3]?

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Post by Eduard »

I just do a simple BFS but the points from where i go left,rigth,up or down i remember in 2 arrays(one for column,and the second for row).And update my arrays on every steps. I got AC during 1.5..sc .
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don't get it

Post by sohel »

I used BFS and get it AC in 4.74 seconds...

Shouldn't straight forward BFS pass the time limit or is there any tricks and trade in this problem..

thanks for your help.
little joey
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Post by little joey »

No, I also use straight forward bfs and get AC in 1.4 seconds. So I guess it's all in the implementation details. Does your program terminate the bfs as soon as it knows the answer? That can be a time saver.
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i think so

Post by sohel »


I terminated the BFS function when the destination is reached..

btw I used STL queue to implement BFS... could that be a reason for the slower time.
little joey
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Post by little joey »

Well, that can easily be the case. I don't know how STLs queue is implemented, but if it does memory (de)allocation on every enqueue and dequeue, it will spend a lot of time on that. I use a static array with 1Meg elements to implement the queue, with enqueue/dequeue functions inline.
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Post by technobug »

I am also using stls queue.... took it out and now AC in 01.773 hehuehuahuea..... incredible... their queue sucks without optimization

from 3.4 -> 1.773
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Post by Per »

Since the judge doesn't use any optimisation flags, using STL containers is noticably slower than "doing it yourself". Otherwise, there shouldn't be that much of a difference.

Terminating when destination is reached rarely gives that kind of speed increase. For this problem, my solution (a straightforward impl using STL queues) was about 5% faster (3.775 s instead of 4.012 s) when I terminated upon reaching destination instead of doing the full bfs.
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Post by technobug »

Hello Per Austrin,

What about the following map:

1000 1000
0 0
0 1

(I forgot the problem description, so forgive me if there is something wrong)....

This is a 1000x1000 map without any mines...... if you do a bfs without stoping it shall go through each and every vertex. While if you skip it when you reach the end (deep=1) you get it done :)

It could have been worse if the map would have been bigger..... altough I am sure that bfs is fast cause it only visits once each vertex (1000x1000 visits)

Guilherme Silveira
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Post by Per »

Yeah, sure, but that's not what typical judge input looks like, which is what I was talking about (though perhaps I was a bit unclear).
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Post by technobug »

i lost one point (tle) at south americans contest last year due to a problem like this.... :(

i got what you mean...
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Post by sohel »

Removed STL - and got it AC in 3.36 seconds...
the significant part is that this problem had a time limit of 4 seconds in the real time contest.. it seems that the usage of STL is quite risky.

around 1.5 seconds was reduced by the omission of it - a significant time, I guess.

But, how did some people get AC under 1 second. Is there any different way other than BFS. :-?
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