265 Dining Diplomats (BUG in description)

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265 The description is strange.

Post by b821213 »

1. It says "Your employer will be seated at the first position at the table. The other positions will be numbered clockwise from 2 to 10. The person seated to the left of your employer is in seat number 2, the person seated to the right of your employer is in seat number 10."

but in the sample output, FRA is on the right seat to USA , but it prints "1 F USA E" while the output says " The first word is the language code for the person seated on the left" . It is obvious that "F" should be the language USA diplomat uses to talk with the diplomat from FRA, not CHN.

2.Output says "no blank line should appear after line 10", while it asks coder to "Print a blank line after each data set." So what should coder do after line 10?

This problem is very strange. I'm just getting WA while I don't know which one is right.
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265 Dining Diplomats (BUG in description)

Post by b821213 »

1. It says "Your employer will be seated at the first position at the table. The other positions will be numbered clockwise from 2 to 10. The person seated to the left of your employer is in seat number 2, the person seated to the right of your employer is in seat number 10."

but in the sample output, FRA is on the right seat to USA , but it prints "1 F USA E" while the output says " The first word is the language code for the person seated on the left" . It is obvious that "F" should be the language USA diplomat uses to talk with the diplomat from FRA, not CHN.

2.Output says "no blank line should appear after line 10", while it asks coder to "Print a blank line after each data set." So what should coder do after line 10?

This problem is very strange. I'm just getting WA while I don't know which one is right.
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Re: 265 Dining Diplomats (BUG in description)

Post by brianfry713 »

I got AC. The sample I/O is correct, the output description is wrong. It should read: The first word is the language code for the person seated on the right. The second word is the country code for the diplomat. The third word is the language code for the person seated on the left.

Print a blank line after every data set. There should be a newline between data sets and after the last data set.

I think also you have to make sure that both countries have relations with each other, for example the data set might contain a country ABC that has relations with DEF but DEF doesn't have relations with ABC so they couldn't sit next to each other.
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!
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Re: 265 Dining Diplomats (BUG in description)

Post by comusgoogle »

hmm..good idea with lots of informative & new idea i really learn a lot from here. 8)
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