ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

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ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »
For anyone that has got accepted in this problem, please help me! I got WAs so many... what else I might miss? I just used A* with priority_queue. It works for all TC I created myself....
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by mf »

Just do a simple breadth-first search.

You can find some I/O from the original ACM contest here: ... hCen/1998/
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »

DId you mean that I should do BFS from final state to ALL reachable states?
Oh one more, how did you mark a state as visited?
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by mf »

fushar wrote:DId you mean that I should do BFS from final state to ALL reachable states?
There's only about 9!/2 = 181440 reachable states. 1 second is more than enough time to check them all.
Oh one more, how did you mark a state as visited?
Convert permutation into an integer in any way, and store them in std::set<int>.
(Or a boolean array, if you're not lazy, and the range of integers is small enough)
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »

Oh, I see. So if the queried state is not visited, then I should output "unsolvable". Right?
Anyway thanks for your help. I'll try to recode my solution. :wink:
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »

Uh, I just used plain BFS without heuristic, and got TLE....
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by mf »

My old BFS solution for UVa's problem 652 gets accepted at pku, running 0.438 seconds.

It doesn't use STL, though as I was coding in C - it converts each permutation into its sequential number (from 0 to 9!-1) and uses a boolean array to mark visited states.
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »

How did you do the conversion?
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by mf »

Like this:

Code: Select all

int fact[10];  // a table of factorials

int encode(int a[9]) {
	int c[10], i, k, r;
	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) c[i] = i;
	for (r = 0, k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
		r += c[a[k]] * fact[8 - k];
		for (i = a[k]; i < 9; i++) c[i]--;
	return r + 1;

void decode(int a[9], int r) {
	int c[10], i, k;
	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) c[i] = i;
	for (r--, k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
		i = r / fact[8 - k];
		r %= fact[8 - k];
		a[k] = c[i];
		for (; i < 9; i++) c[i] = c[i + 1];
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »

Hey thank you so much.......!!!!!
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »

I'm so tired getting WAs, what's wrong with my code?

Code: Select all

Deleted AC code
Last edited by fushar on Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by mf »

Your program prints \0 character at the beginning of output:

Code: Select all

user@localhost:/tmp$ g++ -o p && ./p >output
2 3 4 1 5 x 7 6 8
user@localhost:/tmp$ hexdump -C output 
00000000  00 75 6c 6c 64 64 72 75  72 64 6c 6c 75 72 64 72  |.ullddrurdllurdr|
00000010  75 6c 64 72 0a                                    |uldr.|
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »

What a silly bug..
Just changed

Code: Select all

if (x != -2)
		printf("%c", M[x]);

Code: Select all

if (P[x] != -2)
		printf("%c", M[x]);
and got AC!!!!!!!
Thanks mf!!
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by Angeh »

mf wrote:Like this:

Code: Select all

int fact[10];  // a table of factorials

int encode(int a[9]) {
	int c[10], i, k, r;
	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) c[i] = i;
	for (r = 0, k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
		r += c[a[k]] * fact[8 - k];
		for (i = a[k]; i < 9; i++) c[i]--;
	return r + 1;

void decode(int a[9], int r) {
	int c[10], i, k;
	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) c[i] = i;
	for (r--, k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
		i = r / fact[8 - k];
		r %= fact[8 - k];
		a[k] = c[i];
		for (; i < 9; i++) c[i] = c[i + 1];
is this a Known Algorithm? can you explain more why to code like this ?:)
Last edited by Angeh on Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ACM PKU Eight Puzzle

Post by fushar »

It's just a simple algorithm to convert a permutation into its index (from 0 to 9!-1) and vice versa.
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