11500 - Vampires

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11500 - Vampires

Post by neilor »


I Found the key to solve:
In http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_ruin You can find the Both Formulas
The first one is to solve when AT = 3 (P2 = n1/(n1+n2))
The second one is to solve when AT != 3 (P1 = 1- (q/p)^n1... where q = (6-AT)/AT ...

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Re: 11500 - Vampires - tips

Post by naffi »

Gambler's Ruin is for D = 1, What about D != 1 ?
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Re: 11500 - Vampires - tips

Post by 898989 »

Can you please give me more details? What is the approach for solving this problem?
and please elaborate more on "Gambler ruin"
Sleep enough after death, it is the time to work.
Mostafa Saad
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Re: 11500 - Vampires - tips

Post by neilor »

Hi Naffi and Mostafa.

You can use to D !=1 also. You must calcule n1 and n2:

n1 = EV1/D (rounded to up) page 1 from article
n2 = EV2/D (rounded to up)

for at = 3 use the formula

prob =
n1 + n2


prob =

(1- (q/p)^n1 )
(1-(q/ ***

where (q/p) = (6-at)/at

the second prob formula including (***) can be found on link:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_ruin ...

... in Unfair coin flipping
P1 = ...

... it is only to avoid to give here the complete answer,

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Re: 11500 - Vampires - tips

Post by naffi »

Thanks neilor for your kind elaboratin, I got AC. :)
But, I did not handle unfair coin flipping as you said, may be the test cases are fair.
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Re: 11500 - Vampires - tips

Post by 898989 »

Hi, this is already how i did it, but last simple is not right.

Code: Select all

while(cin>>EV1>>EV2>>AT>>D && (EV1+EV2+D+AT))
		clr(vis, 0);
		cout.setf(ios::fixed|ios::showpoint );

		double n1 = EV1/D, n2 = EV2/D;
		double p1, p2;

		if(AT == 3) {
			p1 = n1/(n1+n2);
			p2 = n2/(n1+n2);
		else {	// won't work well if D != 1
			double q = (6-AT)/6.0, p = 1-q;
			p1 = (1.0-pow(q/p, n1)) / (1.0-pow(q/p, (n1+n2)));
			p2 = 1-p1;

		cout<<p1*100<<" "<<p2*100<<"\n";
Sleep enough after death, it is the time to work.
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Re: 11500 - Vampires

Post by Jan »

My idea was to derive some equations, and then gaussian elimination.
Ami ekhono shopno dekhi...
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Re: 11500 - Vampires

Post by rehan »

can anyone tell me what is the wrong with my code
what i hav to add in this code :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
(it has done in C)

Code: Select all


int main()
unsigned long ev1,ev2,at,d,n1,n2;
double pr,m;



 pr = (n1/m)*100;

 double q = (6-at)/6, p = 1-q;
         pr = (1-pow(q/p, n1)) / (1-pow(q/p, (n1+n2)));


return 0;
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Re: 11500 - Vampires

Post by fidels »

You can also solve it without using the formula for the Gambler's Ruin... think memoization ;-D
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Re: 11500 - Vampires

Post by wallace »

Can I solve this problem using Markov's chain?
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Re: 11500 - Vampires

Post by forthright48 »

I simply assumed that after 1000 moves, the probability becomes so small that it is negligible. Got AC with O(20*20*1000)
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