11351 - Last Man Standing

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11351 - Last Man Standing

Post by shakil »

I think this problem has a formula.Any one can give some link.
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Post by rio »

Do you mean closed formula ? Or some kind of DP-formula ?

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Post by sclo »

There are different ways to dp it. The most obvious way is O(n).
I don't think there is any explicit formula, but I could be wrong.
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Post by asif_rahman0 »

kissu parina
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Re: 11351 - Last Man Standing

Post by kissu parina »

is there any particular algo for this prob??
i am getting TLE.... :cry:
one day...
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11351 - Last Man Standing

Post by LeonardoB »

Hi everybody.

I was trying to attack this problem using a tree but got TLE. Which is how I can optimize this?

Code: Select all

#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stack>
#include <cctype>
#include <queue>

using namespace std;

class Node {

	int nr, nl, c;
	Node * right, * left;
	Node () : right (0), left (0), nr(0), nl(0), c(0) {}

void fill_tree (Node* tree, int B, int A = 1) {

	if (A >= B) return;

	Node* n1 = new Node();
	n1->nl = A, n1->nr = (A + B) / 2, n1->c = n1->nr - n1->nl + 1;
	tree->left = n1;
	if (A < B) fill_tree (tree->left, (A + B) / 2, A);

	Node* n2 = new Node();
	n2->nl = (A + B) / 2 + 1, n2->nr = B, n2->c = n2->nr - n2->nl + 1;
	tree->right = n2;
	if (A < B) fill_tree (tree->right, B, (A + B) / 2 + 1);

int delete_position (Node* tree, int pos) {


	if (tree->nl == tree->nr)
		return tree->nl;
	if (pos <= tree->left->c)
		return delete_position (tree->left, pos);

		return delete_position (tree->right, pos - tree->left->c);

int main() {

	int T, K, N;

	scanf ("%d", &T);

	for (int t = 0; t < T; ++t) {

		Node* tree = new Node();
		scanf ("%d %d", &N, &K);

		tree->nr = 1, tree->nl = N, tree->c = K;
		fill_tree (tree, N);

		int j = 0;

		while (N > 1) {
			j = (j + K - 1) % N--;
			delete_position (tree, j + 1);

		printf("Case %d: %d\n", 1 + t, delete_position (tree, 1));
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Re: 11351 - Last Man Standing

Post by plamplam »

Oh dear, I don't understand a thing you wrote. Sorry Im a newbie and I don't know much about programming. I don't know how to program in c++, however I do know a little of C. Then why am I replying to you? Well, you see the problem is tricky. It is not really very hard, but yes it requires deep thinking. My main function consisted of less than 20 lines and I got AC in first try(0.056 seconds) :D :D. I'll give you a hint, there is a much more simple and efficient method. First try to solve it manually without the help of a computer, find a pattern. Good luck.
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'. -Homer Simpson
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Re: 11351 - Last Man Standing

Post by plamplam »

There might be a particular algorithm for this problem, I used an integer array of size 100010 and my main function consisted of less than 20 lines. No functions, no complications and nothing. Just try to solve the problem mathematically, try it first manually, without the help of a computer. For example if n = 3 and k = 2 then what is the result. If n = 4 and k = 2....etc etc.
If you're getting TLE then you can just use your inefficient code to find out such values and from there may be you will find a pattern?
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'. -Homer Simpson
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