UVa 10107 - missing test case

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UVa 10107 - missing test case

Post by ldeleuran »

I have just "solved" problem 10107. My C++ submission was AC, but I have now realized that I made a mistake in my submission.

My submission will fail on the following input:

Code: Select all


The correct output:

Code: Select all


My accepted submission returned wrong output for this test case. If you add a similar test case to the judge, then submissions like mine should be rejected.

Details on why my submission should have received a WA
The reason why my submission is wrong is that I'm using two std::multiset to keep values that are below and above the current median. At some point I have to remove the largest value of such a multiset. s.erase(s.rbegin()) fails with a compile error because rbegin() is a reverse iterator (rather than iterator). I made the quick fix using s.erase(*s.rbegin()). However. This erases all instances of the value *s.rbegin(), thus making the set inconsistent if I expect only one item to be erased.

I have resubmitted a corrected version of my code. This also gets accepted, as expected.

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Post by Zakoshnon »

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