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Why there is no option to see and recover submitted own code

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 4:28 am
by Shahidul.CSE
I think there should be an option for the users so that they can see their own submitted code any time and also can recover or download the source code. But UVa didn't provide this option. But why ?

I like to mention that many Online Judges like codeforces, codechef, spoj, lightoj - almost every OJ provide this option. So why not UVa ?

There is many benefits of this option. For example, my hard disk is crashed. So I replaced it with new one. Thus I lost all of my UVa source code. If UVa provided this option, I could easily recover my code. ( Though I mailed to give back my all code, I didn't get any response from the admins). Not only me, there are many who are facing this problem like me.

So, Please provide this option, as soon as possible.

Re: Why there is no option to see and recover submitted own code

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:31 am
by tobby
I support this suggestion.

I think this function can be added easily, because the online judge keeps all our codes.