11938 - Hammock in the Forest

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11938 - Hammock in the Forest

Post by brianfry713 »

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Re: 11938 - Hammock in the Forest

Post by Bonsaigin »

I realize no one has successfully submitted this problem, but I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm getting a Presentation Error for my submission and I've tried everything I can think of. My solution matches the expected output for the given test case perfectly (as far as I can tell), and follows the correct pattern for other test cases I've made. I've covered 0, 1, and greater than one crossings, and I've even made sure it works for inputs that might not be allowed (two hammocks between the same trees, etc.).

I'm not sure what code I'm allowed to post as my solution is basically correct, so here is pseudocode for my output.

Code: Select all

if no crossings found:
	print("Crossings found:")
	for all but the last crossing:
		print(" (j,j') (k,k');"
	for last crossing:
		print(" (j,j') (k,k')\n"
Does anyone have any tips for this situation? Am I misunderstanding PE?

Here is the problem: https://uva.onlinejudge.org/external/119/11938.pdf
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