11605 - Lights inside a 3d Grid

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Re: 11605 - Lights inside a 3d Grid

Post by sanzeee »

to solve this problem i derived the following equation for a single light bulb:
Let p is the probability of selecting the light.
So the expectation for the light will be sum over i(1 to k) : p^i * (1-p)^(k-i). Now we only need to add the terms where i is odd as only then the light will be ON.
calculating this for all the bulb is obviously time out :( :( :(
is there any close form? i can't find it :( :( :(

thanks in advance.
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Re: 11605 - Lights inside a 3d Grid

Post by brianfry713 »

You can solve each test case in O(N * M * P)
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Re: 11605 - Lights inside a 3d Grid

Post by sanzeee »

I got the idea of the closed form. thanks to Jacob from codeforces

thanks anyways.
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