1309 - Sudoku

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Re: 1309 - Sudoku

Post by sdipu »

Which method sould I use to solve this problem?

My attempt so far-
> Find all possible letters to place in a blank cell.
> Now take a cell which has minimum number of possible letters to place. [O(16*16*1000)]
> Backtrack by trying every possible value.

Method to find all possible letters-
> find all letters that can be placed in a cell without making any conflict with it's peer cells. [O(16)]
> hidden single check : check for a single letter to place in a cell, which doesn't contains in any other cells of same row, columns and box. [O(16*(15+15+15))]

I thought it would suffice. But it gives me TLE. I don't know any better solution. Please give me some help.
Check out UVA Arena - a software build for UVA solvers @ http://dipu-bd.github.io/UVA-Arena/
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