ACM ICPC Training

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ACM ICPC Training

Post by cyberdragon »


After about 1.5 months, the Local ACM ICPC Contest will be held in my uinversity. This contest is the first step on the road to ACM ICPC World Finals.
The problem is, I don't know what Algroithms should I master in this little period before the contest.
I'm not good at DP at all. I find it very hard specially with bitmasks. I know some Graph basics like DFS, BFS, Dijkstra, and Floyd Warshall.
I think I know Number Theory Algorithms well, But neither Combinatorics nor Probabilty Problems. I'm not good at String Matching.
The most hard problems for me are the Advance Data Structures ones like Segment Tree, Binary Indexed Tree, and Lowest Common Ancestor.
So, please help me with your advice to be as good as possible.

Another Question: Why don't we see you practicing in Topcoder SRMs and Codeforces Rounds. I think you will be an algorithm target in no time :)

Thanks in advance.
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Re: ACM ICPC Training

Post by brianfry713 »

Good luck, have fun.

I mostly help people and solve problems here.
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Re: ACM ICPC Training

Post by cyberdragon »

What is your advice for my problem? What should I master from the categories mentioned above before the contest?
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Re: ACM ICPC Training

Post by brianfry713 »

I don't know, try to learn the algorithms you think will be needed on the problems you'll get in the contest. Most contests have a variety of types of problems.
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