1185 - Big Number

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1185 - Big Number

Post by rafid059 »

I am getting WA! Can anyone help me, please??

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Accepted!   :D
Last edited by rafid059 on Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Problem 1185 --- Big NUmber

Post by lighted »

Change line

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 double result = 0;
It must be

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 double result = 1;
Also change line

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return (int)Math.ceil(result); 
It must be

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return (int)result; 
Don't forget to remove your code after getting accepted. 8)
A person who sees the good in things has good thoughts. And he who has good thoughts receives pleasure from life... Bediuzzaman
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Re: Problem 1185 --- Big NUmber

Post by rafid059 »

lighted, thanks again! :D
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1185 - Big Number

Post by nahin.ruet12 »

My code showed run time error. :( I could not find any wrong in code that causes run time error. Please help me finding them... :(

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using namespace std;

int factorialSum[100];

int bigMultipication(char num[], int aa, char *multi)

    int len=strlen(num);

    int temp=0;
    int i;
    int sum=0;

    for(i=0; i<len; i++)





    return i;

int factorial(int times)
    char num[2000];
    char multi[2000]={0};


    int sum;
    for(int i=1; i<=times; i++)
        sum = bigMultipication(num, i, multi);

        strcpy(num, multi);

    return sum;

int main()
    int inputNumber;

    for(int i=0; i<inputNumber; i++)
        int num;

    return 0;
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Re: 1185 - Big Number

Post by lighted »

Post in existing threads. Don't open new threads.

To avoid RE increase array limit to

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char num[200000];
char multi[200000]={0};
You will get TLE. I solved this problem using a little math. For given number N, to know how many digits a number N has, we can take it's logarithm by base 10 - log10(N).

If N equals to multiplication of k numbers - N = p1 * p2 * p3 * .. *pk.
Using property of logarithm, answer will be log10(N) = log10(p1 * p2 * p3 * .. *pk) = log10(p1) + log10(p2) + .. log10(pk).

You can make precalculation for all values of N in O(N). :)
A person who sees the good in things has good thoughts. And he who has good thoughts receives pleasure from life... Bediuzzaman
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Re: 1185 - Big Number

Post by lighted »

We must find value of p, where p is the greatest power of 10 so that 10^p >= N.

Take logarithm of both sides by base 10 and get log10(10^p) >= log10(N).

Finally get p >= log10(N), where p is number of digits of N. :)
A person who sees the good in things has good thoughts. And he who has good thoughts receives pleasure from life... Bediuzzaman
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Re: 1185 - Big Number

Post by Bryton »

Is there an algorithm faster than O(n) for this problem? I have AC with precalc using c++11, but it is >0.5s while the fastest ones are ~0.010.
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