820 - Internet Bandwidth

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820 - Internet Bandwidth

Post by sunhong »

I got WA on this problem.
I think the method is maximum flow.
Can you tell me what is the trick in this problem?
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Re: 820-Internet Bandwidth

Post by PdR »

There isn't really a trick, but you should attent this detail:
There might be more than one connection between a pair of nodes, but a node cannot be connected to itself.
This Input
1 2 2
1 2 10
1 2 20
Would obviously result in this Output:
Network 1
The bandwidth is 30.
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Post by miras »

in my opinio thne outpuy should be...
Network 1
The bandwidth is 30.


BTW. tell me if i have a mistake...
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Post by miras »

Network 1
The bandwidth is 32.
Network 1
The bandwidth is 30.


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Post by PdR »

miras wrote: Network 1
The bandwidth is 32.
How could this be possible at all?
You have two connections between node 1 and 2 with capacities 10 and 20.
The maximum flow is 10+20.
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Post by sunhong »

Thanks for your reply
I got AC now:)
I made a mistake in my code :cry:
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Post by FrodoBaggins »

At first I seng this :
# include <stdio.h>

typedef struct List_
int Vertex ;
struct List_ * Previous , * Next ;
} List ;

int n , s , t ;
int h [ 120 ] , c [ 120 ] [ 120 ] , current [ 120 ] ;
int f [ 120 ] [ 120 ] , e [ 120 ] ;
List * Head = 0 , * Current = 0 ;

void Init ( void )
int i , j ;

for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )
h [ i ] = 0 ;
e [ i ] = 0 ;
for ( j = 1 ; j <= n ; j ++ )
f [ i ] [ j ] = 0 ;
h [ s ] = n ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )
f [ s ] [ i ] = c [ s ] [ i ] ;
f [ i ] [ s ] = - c [ i ] [ s ] ;
e [ i ] = c [ s ] [ i ] ;

void Push ( int u , int v )
int d ;

d = e [ u ] < c [ u ] [ v ] - f [ u ] [ v ] ? e [ u ] : c [ u ] [ v ] - f [ u ] [ v ] ;
f [ u ] [ v ] += d ;
f [ v ] [ u ] = - f [ u ] [ v ] ;
e [ u ] -= d ;
e [ v ] += d ;

void Lift ( int u )
int i , min = - 1 ;

for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )
if ( ( h [ i ] < min || min == - 1 ) && c [ u ] [ i ] - f [ u ] [ i ] > 0 )
min = h [ i ] ;
h [ u ] = min + 1 ;

void Discharge ( int u )
int v ;

while ( e [ u ] > 0 )
v = current [ u ] ;
if ( v > n )
Lift ( u ) ;
current [ u ] = 1 ;
if ( c [ u ] [ v ] - f [ u ] [ v ] > 0 && h [ u ] == h [ v ] + 1 )
Push ( u , v ) ;
current [ u ] ++ ;

void AddList ( int i )
if ( ! Current )
Current = new List ;
Current -> Vertex = i ;
Current -> Next = Current -> Previous = 0 ;
Head = Current ;
return ;
Current -> Next = new List ;
Current -> Next -> Previous = Current ;
Current = Current -> Next ;
Current -> Vertex = i ;
Current -> Next = 0 ;

void ToHead ( void )
if ( Current == Head )
return ;
if ( Current -> Next )
Current -> Next -> Previous = Current -> Previous ;
Current -> Previous -> Next = Current -> Next ;
Current -> Next = Head ;
Head -> Previous = Current ;
Current -> Previous = 0 ;
Head = Current ;

void Preflow ( void )
int i , u , OldHeight ;

Init ( ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )
current [ i ] = 1 ;
if ( i != s && i != t )
AddList ( i ) ;
Current = Head ;
while ( Current )
u = Current -> Vertex ;
OldHeight = h [ u ] ;
Discharge ( u ) ;
if ( h [ u ] > OldHeight )
ToHead ( ) ;
Current = Current -> Next ;

int main ( )
int i , j , u , v , a , r , test = 0 ;

scanf ( "%d" , & n ) ;
while ( n )
test ++ ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )
for ( j = 1 ; j <= n ; j ++ )
c [ i ] [ j ] = 0 ;
scanf ( "%d%d%d" , & s , & t , & r ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= r ; i ++ )
scanf ( "%d%d%d" , & u , & v , & a ) ;
c [ u ] [ v ] += a ;
c [ v ] [ u ] += a ;
Preflow ( ) ;
printf ( "Network %d\nThe bandwidth is %d.\n\n" , test , e [ t ] ) ;
scanf ( "%d" , & n ) ;
return 0 ;

and got WA
but when I insert this after input :
if ( s < t )
i = s ;
s = t ;
t = i ;
it got accepted
What's up?
Raj Ariyan
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820 WA !!!! Help

Post by Raj Ariyan »

I'm getting lots of wa. I thinks its a simple max flow problem and implement it. But WA :cry: . Plz verify my code. Thanx in advance.

Code C++

Code: Select all

Cut After ACC....
Please help me.
Last edited by Raj Ariyan on Wed Jun 15, 2005 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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hum hum

Post by Cytoplasm »

there is a small special point : reread the text
I've changed it in your code and I got Accepted P.E.
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Post by Raj Ariyan »

Hi Cytoplasm,
Thanx for ur reply. I'm confuced. There is no input where src==dst. Again one things may be happened that "There might be more than one connection between a pair of nodes", so i also checked it by the following code, but again got WA. Is there any other cases ?

Code: Select all

Cut after ACC...
Last edited by Raj Ariyan on Sun Jun 19, 2005 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cytoplasm »

That's not a problem

"There might be more than one connection between a pair of nodes"
This is your problem, your new code is wrong.
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Post by Cytoplasm »

By the way I don'tunderstand that that:

Code: Select all

does work. I would have writen that instead:

Code: Select all

Does your code REALLY work or is it only luck if it's going through the judge tests?
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Post by Raj Ariyan »

Hi Cytoplasm,
Yupe , u r rite. At first i wrote it, then i thought that flow in opsite direction is f[v]=-f[v], But i'm confuced that if more than one edge between two nodes, then i should take the max one, rite ? whats ur output for the following input ?

1 4 6
1 2 20
1 3 10
2 3 5
2 4 10
3 4 20
3 2 20
Last edited by Raj Ariyan on Sun Jun 19, 2005 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cytoplasm »

For your entry, my solution is 30, and that's also the solution computed with my hands, so it should be correct.

I don't understand your problem, because it really IS simple and I won't give you the solution either because you would commit suicide for not having thought that yourself. So let's try to help you without giving you the key...

Let's say, you are trying to transport oil from city A to city B. In the first case there are two pipelines and in the second case there is only one pipeline. What should be the size of the single pipeline (of the 2nd case) to transport as much oil as the two pipelines (of the 1st case)?

Again, it is SIMPLE!
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Post by Raj Ariyan »

Hi Cytoplasm,
Thanx for ur help. I understand what u want to tell. AC at Last :lol: I've missed it. Again thanx. By the way can u check it -- > http://online-judge.uva.es/board/viewtopic.php?t=8301 Its a very easy problem but WA. What i miss ???? Bye and take care .
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