What this forum is about.

The forum to report every bug you find or tell us what you'd like to find in UVa OJ

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What this forum is about.

Post by Carlos »

UVa OJ stuff is working very hard for providing users a great service and a perfect enviroment for learning while having a good and competitive time. We're a very small team working on it, but we still want to offer the best we can.

That's why we're opening this forum. Sure you can always mail us to problemset@acm.uva.es to report bugs, ask for help or sugest something, but I think this is a more public way to do so: everybody will be able to discuss your ideas, or contribute with his own point of view. We'll also use this forum as a prove that we're working hard everyday (even if we don't do a special release everyday).

So, this forum is to report every single bug or suggestion, from "this letters there should be centered" to "we'd like UVa OJ to have that special feature that would spend 1 year work". As soon as the discussion is over or the bug corrected, the forum will be closed, so that we keep track of those unsolved topics.

As the final of the presentation of this forum, I'd like to tell you in what we've been working those months. We're developping a new judge that will have every feature of old judge, but improved data handling and the posibility of special features. The problem is that we don't want to loose all submitted data we have. That's why we've been patching the old system to work in a database oriented environment. There a re a lot of problems associated to this change, we've stopped several services that we believed that weren't helpful at all, and then we discovered that they did something else. In fact, that's the reason for the "judge degradation". It looks like the basic features are being lost. But that's only a temprary situation. As soon as the new judge arrives everything will be ok. When will it come? I have no idea, we'll have to wait a bit more. Meanwhile, we'll also work on patching the patches we applied to the old system, so that we have the old features back again. In the other side, if we spend too much time in the patches, the new system will delay. We have to find a balance between both of them, I hope you understand. We are very sorry for this inconveniences, but they are part of the migration.

Thanks a lot for your support, and....enjoy the judge :-)
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Re: What this forum is about.

Post by zobayer »

the user http://acm.uva.es/board/memberlist.php? ... le&u=65633 is spamming all around the forum, admins should check.
You should not always say what you know, but you should always know what you say.

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Post by Kipplerma »

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