105 - The Skyline Problem

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Post by tmdrbs6584 »

Hi logic
Bye logic
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Post by f.eliel »

I don
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Post by Solaris »

I dont think your code matches the sample input. Just put the main printing FOR loop out of the WHILE loop. Otherwise your code is Ok.

Remove your code after u get AC.
Where's the "Any" key?
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Post by sds1100 »

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Post by sds1100 »

i me too imlazy짱깨
sorry i don't know your program..
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105 WA

Post by coldfire »

I tested every possible legal test on my computer, but i can't find the bug .. if anyone could help me ... please ...

I use interval trees for better time...

const maxN = 6000;
maxL = 30000;

type triple = record
x, h, s: longint;

var d: array[0..maxN] of triple;
x, y, h, n, i, j, max: longint;
a, b: array[0..maxL] of longint;

procedure read_data;
//var f: text;

// assign(f, '105.in'); reset(f);

n := 0;
while not eof(input) do begin

readln(x, h, y);

if x < y then begin
inc(n); d[n].x := x; d[n].h := h; d[n].s := 1;
inc(n); d[n].x := y; d[n].h := h; d[n].s := -1;


// close(f);


procedure qSort(l, r: longint);
i, j, x: longint;
y: triple;
i := l; j := r; x := d[(l+r) DIV 2].x;
while d.x < x do i := i + 1;
while x < d[j].x do j := j - 1;
if i <= j then
y := d; d := d[j]; d[j] := y;
i := i + 1; j := j - 1;
until i > j;
if l < j then qSort(l, j);
if i < r then qSort(i, r);

procedure update(k, l, r, s: longint);
var m: longint;

if (r <= d[j].h) then begin

if s = -1 then begin
if a[k] = 0 then b[k] := b[k * 2] + b[k * 2 + 1];
end else begin
b[k] := r - l + 1;

end else begin

m := (l + r) shr 1;
update(k * 2, l, m, s);
if d[j].h > m then update(k * 2 + 1, m + 1, r, s);

if a[k] = 0 then b[k] := b[k * 2] + b[k * 2 + 1];



procedure main;

qsort(1, n);

i := 1;
while i <= n do begin

j := i; max := b[1];
while (d[j].x = d.x) and (j <= n) do begin
if d[j].h > 0 then update(1, 1, 10100, d[j].s); inc(j);
i := j;

if (b[1] <> max) then
if i <= n then write(d.x, ' ', b[1], ' ') else write(d.x, ' ', b[1]);




// writeln; writeln;

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P 105 Why do i get WA?

Post by frederic »


i don't know why i get WA for this code. The code works on all data i have found in this board so far. Can you give me a hint , please?

(code deleted)

NM, i got ACC now :-)

For me a critical input was:
1 1 2
1 3 2
1 2 2
2 3 4

Correct Answer:
1 3 4 0

Maybe this might help
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[Solved]105 The Skyline Problem: Runtime Error

Post by shaform »

I've tested my codes many times.
I even used some input files with random numbers, and I didn't find any problems.
But after I submited it, I got RE.
It said : Invalid memory reference
Well, I know there are some easier ways to solve The Skyline Problem, but I just want to know why this code couldn't work.

Code: Select all

Removed after solved.
Last edited by shaform on Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by nev4 »

This code is so big and it uses pointers to pointers, there is no wonder why RE. Try to code even without pointers if possible.
My solution for this to examine all blocks in a row and test if next is over current, if not test it comes from current's side, if not, does begin new block.
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Post by shaform »

I think you are right.
Anyway, I finally got Accept.
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This can be shorter

Post by hedgehog1204 »

This can be shorter. This is in Python, but can be easily converted to whatever:

Code: Select all

# Program that solves The Skyline Problem
# http://acm.uva.es/p/v1/105.html

max = 10000						# maximum x coordinates
h = [0 for i in range(max)]		# skyline heights for x=i

file = open('input.txt')
for line in file:						# initialize variables with data from file:
	vars = line.split()
	for i in range(int(vars[0]), int(vars[2])):	# update skyline hights
		if h[i] < int(vars[1]):
			h[i] = int(vars[1])
# print out the skyline:			
i = 0		
while h[i] == 0:
	i += 1
print i, h[i],
hi = h[i]
for j in range(i+2, max):
	if h[j] != hi:
		print j, h[j],
		hi = h[j]
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It can be shorter

Post by hedgehog1204 »

Code: Select all

max = 10000						
h = [0 for i in range(max)]		
file = open('input.txt')
for line in file:						
	vars = line.split()
	for i in range(int(vars[0]), int(vars[2])):	
		if h[i] < int(vars[1]):
			h[i] = int(vars[1])		
i = 0		
while h[i] == 0:
	i += 1
print i, h[i],
hi = h[i]
for j in range(i+2, max):
	if h[j] != hi:
		print j, h[j],
		hi = h[j]
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This works for me

Post by hedgehog1204 »

Code: Select all

max = 10000						
h = [0 for i in range(max)]		
file = open('input.txt')
for line in file:						
	vars = line.split()
	for i in range(int(vars[0]), int(vars[2])):	
		if h[i] < int(vars[1]):
			h[i] = int(vars[1])		
i = 0		
while h[i] == 0:
	i += 1
print i, h[i],
hi = h[i]
for j in range(i+2, max):
	if h[j] != hi:
		print j, h[j],
		hi = h[j]
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Try this approach:

Post by hedgehog1204 »

Code: Select all

max = 10000                  
h = [0 for i in range(max)]      
file = open('input.txt')
for line in file:                  
   vars = line.split()
   for i in range(int(vars[0]), int(vars[2])):   
      if h[i] < int(vars[1]):
         h[i] = int(vars[1])      
i = 0      
while h[i] == 0:
   i += 1
print i, h[i],
hi = h[i]
for j in range(i+2, max):
   if h[j] != hi:
      print j, h[j],
      hi = h[j]
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Try this approach (Python):

Post by hedgehog1204 »

Code: Select all

max = 10000                  
h = [0 for i in range(max)]      
file = open('input.txt')
for line in file:                  
   vars = line.split()
   for i in range(int(vars[0]), int(vars[2])):   
      if h[i] < int(vars[1]):
         h[i] = int(vars[1])      
i = 0      
while h[i] == 0:
   i += 1
print i, h[i],
hi = h[i]
for j in range(i+2, max):
   if h[j] != hi:
      print j, h[j],
      hi = h[j]
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