11340 - Newspaper

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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by Obaida »

Please help me.. So many WA!!!!

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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by Obaida »

Some one plz reply..... :oops:
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by kbr_iut »

u r having problem coz of overfloaw.
according to the problem ur sum variable may contain...
150000*10000*1000 = 1500000000000 which cant be supported within long or int range.........

i used a trick....when sum exceeds 100 make it dollar and keep it to another variable var...
then i just printed var and sum...
secondly ur program is printing some extra newline and there is also a problem handling extra space and newline.

i modified ur code a bit. open ur inbox.u coud see...( hey man.....it takes a unsigned long long time to find the actualy bug)

anyway.....keep posting.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by calicratis19 »

to clear up the confusion

1)long is enough.
2)unsigned char is needed.

i got wa for the way i printed output.

in my ac code i used
and then i got ac.

hope it helps.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by amishera »

From the above posts, many comments conflict with each other. Some people are saying char is enough, some is saying unsigned char is required. Some are saying to use long long, some are saying int is enough. Which one is correct actually? See I used this according to some suggestions made before:

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

[b]#define to_unsigned_char(x) if (x < 0) x += 256[/b]
int table[1000000];

int main()
	char article[1000000];
	int n;
	int k;
[b]	char c;[/b]
	int p;
	int m;
	int len;
	long long sum_dollar;
	int sum_cents;
	int i;
	int j;
	int t;
	scanf(" %d",&n);
	int first = 1;

	while (n-- > 0)
		scanf(" %d",&k);
		for (j = 0;j < 512;j++)
			table[j] = 0;

		while (k-- > 0)
		[b]	scanf(" %c %d",&c, &p);
			t = c;	
			table[(int)t] = p;[/b]


		sum_dollar = 0;
		sum_cents = 0;
		while (m-- > 0)
			scanf(" %[^\n]",article);
			for (k = 0;article[k];k++)
				[b]t = article[k];
				sum_cents += table[t];
				if (sum_cents >= 100) {
					sum_cents -= 100;
		[b]printf("%lld", sum_dollar);
		if (sum_cents > 0)
			printf(".%2d$\n", sum_cents);
	return 0;
The part in bold demonstrate the suggestions (which are consistent with each other) incorporated in the code (unsigned char, long long, separate variables for dollars and cents). But still that mf idiot judge is giving wrong answer. Sometimes I feel like to spank this mean judge.

Now what to do?
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by sohel »

I have solved this problem a long time ago.
But from what i remember, you have to use 'unsigned char' for reading the 'paid characters'.

and for this part - printf(".%2d$\n", sum_cents);
shouldn't it be printf(".%02d$\n", sum_cents);
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by amishera »

I made the format string to %02d and also made the unsigned character as mentioned here:

http://online-judge.uva.es/board/viewto ... 4&start=15

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#define to_unsigned_char(x) if (x < 0) x += 256
int table[1000000];

int main()
	char article[1000000];
	unsigned char c;
	long long sum_dollar;
	int sum_cents;
	while (k-- > 0)
			c = cin.get(); //to skip whitespaces
			c = cin.get(); // get the char					
			t = c;            // convert it to int
			cin >> p;
			table[(int)t] = p;
	while (m-- > 0)
			scanf(" %[^\n]",article);
			for (k = 0;article[k];k++)
				t = article[k];
				sum_cents += table[t];
				if (sum_cents >= 100) {
					sum_cents -= 100;
	printf("%lld.%02d$\n", sum_dollar, sum_cents);[/u]

Still no right answer. I am not sure whether the reading the paragraph is the right procedure. Because it is reading a string using scanf(" %[^\n]"). Now you can't blame me that I didn't read the posts. I read the posts and made the necessary suggestions as well. But this anal retentive ACM judge is badgering me.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by amishera »

I made the final code which seems to be fool-proof because now both the table and the paragraph are read as unsigned char:

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#define to_unsigned_char(x) if (x < 0) x += 256
int table[1000000];

int main()
	unsigned char article[1000000];
	int n;
	int k;
	unsigned char c;
	int p;
	int m;
	int len;
	long long sum_dollar;
	int sum_cents;
	int i;
	int j;
	int t;
	scanf(" %d",&n);
	int first = 1;

	while (n-- > 0)
		scanf(" %d",&k);
		for (j = 0;j < 512;j++)
			table[j] = 0;

		[b]while (k-- > 0)
			c = cin.get();
			c = cin.get();					
			t = c;
//			to_unsigned_char(t);			
			cin >> p;
			table[(int)t] = p;


		sum_dollar = 0;
		sum_cents = 0;
		c = cin.get();
		while (m-- > 0)
			[b]while ((c = cin.get()) != '\n')
				t = c;
	//			printf("c: %c\n", c);
//				to_unsigned_char(t);
				sum_cents += table[t];
				if (sum_cents >= 100) {
					sum_cents -= 100;
		printf("%lld.%02d$\n", sum_dollar, sum_cents);
//		if (sum_cents > 0)
//		{
//			printf(".%02d$\n", sum_cents);
//		}
//		else
//		{
//			printf(".0$\n");
//		}
	return 0;
Still the same old thing. I am totally pissed off with this ahole judge.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by sohel »

Try avoiding scanf() altogether for this problem.
Use gets() and sscanf().

And btw, this online-judge aint retarded. It just compiles your program and runs it with the judge data - then compares your output with that of the judge answer file.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by amishera »

I am not sure why scanf wouldn't work but sscanf would work. Because the format strings are the same for both. The problem seems to boil down to how to input an unsigned char. So I resorted to the "cin" as suggested in previous posts for the problemetic parts (character reading). But still no change of my plight.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by faiem »

In this problem must use "unsigned char"...Or u will get WA...again and again just like me.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by JeanBez »

I used string, map and unsiged char only in the first part while reading letter and the coast and got AC.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by live_lie »

thank you all...i have an AC now thanks a lot.
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by Garfield »

Always wanted to have AC. Thank you, your help is very much spy phone appreciated!
Last edited by Garfield on Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
shakil ahmed
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Re: 11340 - Newspaper

Post by shakil ahmed »

why WA???? plz help me............... :(

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char str[10100];
int main()
int t,k;
int a[260]={0},j,d,m,i,n;
char ch;
scanf("%c %d",&ch,&d);
long long int sum=0,var=0;
int len=strlen(str);

return 0;
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