10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by craigofoasis »

I am having a terrible time: I keep getting wrong answer, though my numbers are correct
How (Where) do they expect the carriage returns? I keep trying it different ways: optimised for manually entering from the command line, and also piping data (e.g. ./RPS <in.txt >out.txt or Windows variant)

I have tried this several different ways, with it doing an extra line between cases and not. (I always make sure there is no extra line at the end.)

Code: Select all

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
    // Topher Craig attempt at UVa problem Rock, Paper, Scissors
	// Beginning Mon, Aug 24 2009

	int n, k;

	while (true){
	    cin >> n;
	    if(n == 0) break;

	    cin >> k;

		int* won= new int[n];
		int* count= new int[n];
		for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
		char play1[11], play2[11];
		for (int i=0, hold1, hold2; i<k*n*(n-1)/2; i++){

			cin >> hold1 >> play1 >> hold2 >> play2;

			if (play1[0]!=play2[0]){
			        else won[hold2-1]++;
			    else if (play1[0]=='p'){
			        else won[hold2-1]++;
			        else won[hold2-1]++;

		cout << fixed << showpoint;
		for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
		    if(count[i] > 0){
                cout << static_cast<float>(won[i])/count[i]<<endl;
		    else cout <<"-"<<endl;

		delete []won;
		delete []count;
    return 0;
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by sp2hari »

The following code should help you. It doesn't contain the main logic which calculates the winner... Don't try to copy or compile the code.. There is no way it'll work.

Code: Select all

26: int main() {
 27:         int players, games;
 30:         bool first = true;
 31:         while (scanf("%d", &players) != -1) {
 32:                 if (first == false) printf("\n");        
 33:                 if (players == 0) break;
 34:                 scanf("%d", &games);
 35:                 if (first == false) printf("\n");
 36:                 first = false;
 37:                 vector <int> scores (players, 0), total(players, 0);
 38:                 int gamecount = games * players * (players-1);
 39:                 gamecount /= 2;
 40:                 REP(i, gamecount) {
 42:                         scanf("%d%s%d%s", &p1, &t_m1, &p2, &t_m2);
 54:                 }
 56:                 REP(i, players) {
 57:                         double cur;
 58:                         if (total[i] > 0) {
 60:                                 printf("%0.3lf", cur);
 61:                         }
 62:                         else {
 63:                                 printf("-");
 64:                         }
 65:                         if (i != players-1) printf("\n");
 66:                 }
 67:         }
 68:         return 0;
 69: }
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Post by shinningangel »

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
    int i,j,x,n,k;
    int num_game;
        if(n==0) break;
        double win[n],lose[n];
        int player[n];
        int suit_case[n];


            char A[9]={0};
                scanf("%d %s",&player[j],&A);   /*this loop to save each player input*/
                if(A[0]=='r') suit_case[j]=1;    /*rock*/
                if(A[0]=='p') suit_case[j]=2;    /*paper*/
                if(A[0]=='s') suit_case[j]=3;    /*scissor*/


                if(suit_case[x]==1){                /*if rock*/
                        if(suit_case[j]==2) win[player[j]-1]++;
                        if(suit_case[j]==3) lose[player[j]-1]++;

                if(suit_case[x]==2){                /*if paper*/
                        if(suit_case[j]==3) win[player[j]-1]++;
                        if(suit_case[j]==1) lose[player[j]-1]++;

                if(suit_case[x]==3){                /*if scissors*/
                        if(suit_case[j]==1) win[player[j]-1]++;
                        if(suit_case[j]==2) lose[player[j]-1]++;

            if((win[x]+lose[x])==0) printf("-\n");
            else printf("%.3lf\n",(win[x]/(win[x]+lose[x])));

    return 0;
-->>what wrong with my program!? it got running time error.. I already tried sample input, and it works fine, even in cmd ><
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by Shafaet_du »

sp2hari's input on last page which he tested on toolkit is not valid. Notice that k*n*(n-1)/2 game in total. If win+loose=0 print "-",otherwise you may get RTE. eps is not needed.

good luck :).
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by falcon1082 »

i did'n get WA
but i keep getting RE
what's matter with my code?

please help me

Code: Select all

#define Max 101
#define sMax 11
using namespace std;

struct game
	int p1, p2;
	char h1[sMax], h2[sMax];
} g[Max];

int n, k, win[Max], tie[Max];

int h[256];
int  w_s[3][3] = {{0, 1, -1}, {-1, 0, 1}, {1, -1, 0}};
bool flag;

int main()
	int times, i, t, a, b;

	h['p'] = 0;
	h['r'] = 1;
	h['s'] = 2;
	while(scanf("%d", &n) == 1 && n!=0)
		memset(g, 0, sizeof(g));
		memset(win, 0, sizeof(win));
		memset(tie, 0, sizeof(tie));
		scanf("%d", &k);

		times = n * (n - 1) * k / 2;
		for(i = 0; i < times; i++)
			scanf("%d %s %d %s", &g[i].p1, g[i].h1, &g[i].p2, g[i].h2);

		for(i = 0; i < times; i++)
			t = w_s[ h[g[i].h1[0] ]][ h[g[i].h2[0]] ];
			a = g[i].p1, b = g[i].p2;
			if(t > 0)
			else if(t < 0)
		if(flag == 0)
			flag = 1;
		for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
			if(times * 2 / n + tie[i] <= 0)
			printf("%.3lf\n", (double)win[i] / ((times * 2 / n) + tie[i]));

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10903 [SE] Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by gkevinyen5418 »

i dont know why i keep getting SE
even i submit a AC code
which i search on the Net
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Re: 10903 [SE] Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by brianfry713 »

Try a different problem.
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by uDebug »

Replying to follow the thread.
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by gautamzero »

i'm getting runtime error... :(

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removed after AC
Last edited by gautamzero on Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by MPC1984 »

Hi everybody!
I'm getting WA in this problem and I don't know why. Someone could help me?

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Thanks in advance! :wink:
Last edited by MPC1984 on Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by brianfry713 »

k*n*(n-1)/2 games in total

MPC1984, that is AC code.
Check input and AC output for thousands of problems on uDebug!
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by gautamzero »

thanks brianfry713.. :D
None but a fool is always right..
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Re: 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Post by MPC1984 »

Thank you brianfry713, but I don't know why I'm getting WA if it's an AC code. :roll:
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