10589 - Area

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Adrian Kuegel
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Post by Adrian Kuegel »

As far as I know there was no rejudge so far, at least I didn't get a message about that.
Marcin Kwiatkowski
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10589 - Area, critical test cases needed

Post by Marcin Kwiatkowski »

Could anybody give some critical test cases to this problem?
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Adrian Kuegel
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Post by Adrian Kuegel »

The judge output is wrong. Read this:
little joey
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Post by little joey »

Almost three months later:

Is it fixed yet?
I see nothing in the "Fixing Mistakes" section, so I suppose not. Then why is this problem submittable when it's known to be wrong?

[I post this message just out of formality. I know noboddy will reply ... the judges are busy, the problemsetters are busy, so we're left in the dark. Sigh.]
Andrey Mokhov
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Post by Andrey Mokhov »

little joey wrote:I post this message just out of formality. I know noboddy will reply ... the judges are busy, the problemsetters are busy, so we're left in the dark. Sigh
Me replies :wink:
We're not in the dark, I hope :P

Dominik Michniewski
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Post by Dominik Michniewski »

I want to ask for something:
Is still problem with judge's input ? I try several submit (with I think right code) but always got WA ...

Of course, I can have a mistake in code, but I don't know where... I don't use doubles at all, all calculations I made using long longs ...

Best regards
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little joey
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Post by little joey »

The judges' data is still incorrect... Got AC for the wrong reason
[c] /* wrong, but the only way to get AC: */
for(i=0;i<5;i++) if(!isdigit(s)) break;
for(;i<5;i++) s='0';

/* should give correct result: */


Is there any way to correct the judges' data? Can't be too hard :)
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Post by .. »

Yes, and it is not hard :wink:
Send a email to problemset@acm.uva.es and saying you want to correct the test data of this problem, that's all.
Actually I "wanted" to do the correction, but just too lazy to write the email :P
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Judge's reply.

Post by Carlos »

The last post was right, if you think any test case for any problem is wrong, mail us at problemset@acm.uva.es. We can't read every post on the forum!

Someone mailed us telling what was going wrong...so I solved the problem and compared with judge's output. You were right, judge's output had a problem with 0's.

It's solved now, we're rejudging every submission. It will be done by 2 hours more or less.

Sorry for the long delay, but next time mail us,ok?
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10589 - (wa) 12 help

Post by schindlersp »

I dont know ... is it so hard? i got 12 (wa)

my last program wrong

1 : read (n, a) a *= 10000000
2: read (x, y) x *= 10000000 , y *= 10000000 (type x and y == long double)
3: if (ditance (x,y) -> (a,a) > a ||
ditance (x,y) -> (0,0) > a ||
ditance (x,y) -> (0,a) > a ||
ditance (x,y) -> (a,0) > a ) /*not do*/
else M++ ;

if read < n goto 2
4: result = a * a * M

5: sprintf(output,"%lld",100000+(result%n)*(100000/n));
printf("%lld",result/n); printf(".%result\n",output+1);


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long double

Post by sohel »

2: read (x, y) x *= 10000000 , y *= 10000000 (type x and y == long double)
I think there could be a problem with this line. Try to avoid the usage of long double for this problem and see what happens.
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10589 ac

Post by schindlersp »

Guru, :D thanxs for help i changed long double to long long
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10589 help

Post by geran »

How should I print the result?

I got the code:

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define dist(x1,y1,x2,y2)(sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2)))

int main() {
	long long x,y,a,m,result;
	int in_n, in_a;
	double in_x,in_y;
	char t[256];
	while(1) {
		m = 0;
		result = 0;
		scanf("%d %d",&in_n, &in_a);
		if(in_n == 0) {
			return 1;
		a = (long long)in_a;
		for(int i = 0; i < in_n; i++) {
			scanf("%lf %lf",&in_x,&in_y);
			x = (long long)in_x;
			y = (long long)in_y;
			x = x;
			y = y;
			if(dist(x,y,0,0) <= a || dist(x,y,0,a) <= a || dist(x,y,a,0) <= a) {
		result = ((a*100000)*(a*100000)*m)/in_n;
		result = (a * a * m)/in_n;
	return 1;
and I get the output:

Code: Select all

from test data

Code: Select all

1 10
5.0000000 5.0000000
0 0
but how can I get the correct output with five digits after the decimal point
Last edited by geran on Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by geran »

I think I got the right output format, but I get WA, can somebody please post more input data?
Martin Macko
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Re: 10589 help

Post by Martin Macko »

geran wrote:

Code: Select all

			if(dist(x,y,0,0) <= a || dist(x,y,0,a) <= a || dist(x,y,a,0) <= a) {
Why not checking dist(x,y,a,a)<=a?
geran wrote:

Code: Select all

	return 1;
Why returning 1 not 0?

Your code is not working for:

Code: Select all

10 11
5.5 5.5
5.5 5.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0 0
The output should be

Code: Select all

BTW, have you read all topics on this problem?
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