10139 - Factovisors

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Post by czar »

Nevermind, I found the problem
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10139 - Factovisors

Post by raiku »

Hi! Can someone tell me why i'm gettin a WA? Which kind of input I fail?



#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>

#define MAX 46400

int sieve[MAX], primers[5000];

using namespace std;

long n, d, d2;

int fer_primers(void)
int i, j, z=1;
int s=0;

for(i=0; i<MAX; i++)

for(i=4; i<MAX; i=i+2)
for(i=3; i<MAX; i=i+2)
for(j=2*i; j<MAX; j=j+i)
return z;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool div;
int h, k, r, num;
int a=0, q=0, b=0, w=0;
unsigned long u;
int nprimers;


if(d==0) div=false;
else if(d==1) div=true;
else if(n==1) div=(d==1);
else if(d<=n) div=true;

while(r<nprimers && div && d>1)

while(u<n && num<h)
if(num<h) div=false;

if(d>1) div=false;
div? cout<<d2<<" divides "<<n<<"!"<<endl: cout<<d2<<" does not divide "<<n<<"!"<<endl;

return 0;

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cannot handle large values.

Post by koodeGuru »

I tested your program for some huge fact values and it does not work
1009 1000
1000 divides 1009!
1000 1009
1009 does not divide 1000!
>>1073741824 1000000
>>1000000 divides 1073741824!
Actualy it should be 1000000 does not divide 1073741824! which is very obvious. Even I am having some problems handling large factorials. Your program can actualy handle 1000! which is good. Mine does not even handle 500! How sad :cry:
Someone help.Thanks.

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10139-Factovisors using BigInteger

Post by koodeGuru »

Here is my code for this problem:

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import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;

class Main
	public static void main(String []args)
		Main code=new Main();
	void execute()
		String s;
    	StringTokenizer st;
    	BigInteger i, j;
		while ((s = Main.readLn(255)) != null) 
	      st = new StringTokenizer(s);
	      i = BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()));
	      j = BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()));
	static String readLn (int maxLg) 
    	byte lin[] = new byte [maxLg];
    	int lg = 0, car = -1;
    	//String line = "";
      		while (lg < maxLg) 
        	car = System.in.read();
        	if ((car < 0) || (car == '\n')) break;
        	lin [lg++] += car;
    	catch (IOException e) 
    	{ return (null); }
    	if ((car < 0) && (lg == 0)) return (null);
    	return (new String (lin, 0, lg));
  	void factovisor(BigInteger i, BigInteger j)				//i=n and j=m;
  		BigInteger facti= BigInteger.valueOf(1);
  	 	for (int k = 2; k <= i.intValue(); k++) 
               BigInteger num = BigInteger.valueOf(k);
               facti = facti.multiply(num);

  		System.out.println(j+" divides "+i+"!");
  		System.out.println(j+" does not divide "+i+"!");
It is taking a lot of time to calculate large factorial values. How do I minimize that? Thanks. :(
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Post by shamim »

Are u sure that
1000000 does not divide 1073741824! .
I mean 1073741824 is larger than 1000000, therefore 1073741824! has got to be divisiblle by 1000000 :-?
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shamim is right

Post by sohel »


I think Shamim is right.. cos my AC program gives
1000000 divides 1073741824! , as it should.


you made a very minor mistake, I just changed one condition and got it AC....

Hint: The change is in this line

if(d>1) div=false;

Hope it helps.
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o o!

Post by koodeGuru »

I am sorry for the confusion. I was wrong. [java]Test java[/java][/java]
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Post by Amir Aavani »

dear htl
consider the case where m has a prime factor which is bigger than Sqrt (2^31).
i think in these cases your code is wrong
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Post by .. »

I can't find any bug in my old accepted code........
0 doesn't divded any factorial, right?~
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Andrey Mokhov
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Post by Andrey Mokhov »


0 doesn't divide anything.
(But take care of 0!=1)

After rejudge I got TLE. I rewrote factorization and got AC.
But before I got WA 'cause I outputted "divids" instead of "divides" :roll: - I had been looking for this stupid bug for about half an hour...

Don't you have something like that?

Have AC.
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10139 WA after rejudgement

Post by WR »


after the rejudgement my program gets a WA.
Could anybody please verify the following data?


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0 0
1 0
2 0
10 0
2147483647 0
0 1
1 1
2 1
10 1
2147483647 1
10 2
2147483647 2
10 3
5 5
6 9
0 10
6 18
6 27
1009 1000
1000 1009
20 10000
20 100000
1073741824 1000000
43213 93390991
123456789 123456871
123456789 123456873
123456789 123456790
123456789 124880621
123456789 124925329
43213 906190609
1073741824 1073741824
2147483647 1073741824
0 2147483647
1 2147483647
2 2147483647
1073741824 2147483647
2147483647 2147483647

Code: Select all

0 does not divide 0!
0 does not divide 1!
0 does not divide 2!
0 does not divide 10!
0 does not divide 2147483647!
1 divides 0!
1 divides 1!
1 divides 2!
1 divides 10!
1 divides 2147483647!
2 divides 10!
2 divides 2147483647!
3 divides 10!
5 divides 5!
9 divides 6!
10 does not divide 0!
18 divides 6!
27 does not divide 6!
1000 divides 1009!
1009 does not divide 1000!
10000 divides 20!
100000 does not divide 20!
1000000 divides 1073741824!
93390991 divides 43213!
123456871 does not divide 123456789!
123456873 divides 123456789!
123456790 divides 123456789!
124880621 divides 123456789!
124925329 divides 123456789!
906190609 does not divide 43213!
1073741824 divides 1073741824!
1073741824 divides 2147483647!
2147483647 does not divide 0!
2147483647 does not divide 1!
2147483647 does not divide 2!
2147483647 does not divide 1073741824!
2147483647 divides 2147483647!
Many thanks in advance!
tat tvam asi
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Post by tat tvam asi »

helo WR!

I checked your output and found nothing wrong,
so you may use the following random io
(only the input random:))

http://morse.inf.unideb.hu/~noszaly/xxx ... _10139.tgz

Csaba Noszaly
Last edited by tat tvam asi on Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by .. »

Thanks for the in/out, but I get the same output........
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Post by WR »

To tat tvam asi:

Thanks for the data. My program returns absolutely the same output!

So what could now be the problem??!!
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Post by alu_mathics »

After rejudge i get w.a. I change all the long data into long long and finally got A.C.
cuii e
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