386 - Perfect Cubes

All about problems in Volume 3. If there is a thread about your problem, please use it. If not, create one with its number in the subject.

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Post by titid_gede »

i submitted your code without any changes and got AC. so what's your problem?

Kalo mau kaya, buat apa sekolah?
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Post by WR »

My problem is that the OJ returns WA!!!

If the code is ok, then what could be the reason for this?

It compiles ok so it can't be the mail program.

I will just submit the code again and see what happens this time.

Thanks for the 2nd time today!!!
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Post by WR »

Hi titid,

Well it's a WA again!!!
Your program has not solved the problem. It ran during 1.273 seconds.
I didn't change anything.

How come you got the program accepted?
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Post by titid_gede »

how did u submit it? using yahoo mail? or using what? try using submit o matic :D :D :D
Kalo mau kaya, buat apa sekolah?
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Post by WR »

Ok, I used submit-o-matic and the statistics show that the
program now has been accepted!

So indeed the mail program has been the culprit.

Switching to submit-o-matic from now on!

Thanks again titid!
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Post by Sarwar »

I am getting worng answer. where is the problem??
please help me.........


#define MAX 100

long DEC;
char Other[MAX];

char Insert_Char(long base,long mod)
long i;
char C = 'A';

for(i = 0; i < base - 10; i++)
if(mod == 10+i) return (char) (C+i);

return '0';


void To_Desimal(char *NUM, long base)
long i,ins,l,len;

l = len = strlen(NUM) - 1;
DEC = 0;
for(i = 0; i <= len ; i++)
if(NUM == 'A') ins = 10;
else if( NUM == 'B') ins = 11;
else if( NUM == 'C') ins = 12;
else if( NUM == 'D') ins = 13;
else if( NUM == 'E') ins = 14;
else if( NUM == 'F') ins = 15;
else ins = NUM - '0';

DEC = DEC + ins * pow(base,l);

void From_Desimal(long base)
long i,mod,len,j;
char temp[MAX];
long dec;
dec = DEC;

for(i = 0; dec!=0;i++ )
mod = dec % base;

if(mod >= 10)
temp = Insert_Char(base,mod);

else temp = mod + '0';

dec = dec / base;
temp = NULL;

len = strlen(temp)-1;
j = 0;
for(i = len; i >= 0; i-- )

Other[j] = NULL;


int main()

int i,minus;
long b1,b2,flag;
char NUM[MAX];


while( scanf("%s %ld%ld",NUM,&b1,&b2)==3)
flag = 0;
minus = 0;

for(i = 0; NUM[i]!=NULL; i++)
if(NUM[i] != '0'){ flag=1;break;}

if(flag == 0) {printf(" 0\n");continue;}

else if(b2 == 10 )

if(DEC > 9999999){printf(" ERROR\n");continue;}

else if(b1 == 10)
if(strlen(Other) > 7){ printf(" ERROR\n");continue;}

if(strlen(Other) > 7){printf(" ERROR\n");continue;}


return 0;

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Post by UFP2161 »

There is no input for this problem. You are to find and output all sets with a <= 200.
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386 what is wrong

Post by randomtaiwanese »

[java]for(int i=6;i<=200;i++)
for(int j=2;j<i;j++)
for(int k=2;k<=j;k++)
for(int l=2;l<=k;l++)
System.out.println("Cube = "+i+", Triple = ("+l+","+k+","+j+")");
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Getting 0:00 time for problem 386

Post by rajeshr92 »

I would like to know how get 00:00 time for problem 386.I used the following code and
got time of 0:01:614.Though it got AC i would like to optimize more

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a,b,c,d;
printf("Cube = %d, Triple = (%d,%d,%d)\n",a,b,c,d);
return 0;
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Post by sahand »


I think most of those 0:00 for this problem are done using pre calculation.
Maybe even all of them!
Anyway, I think you can optimize your code a good amount in the following way. I could get it accepted in 0:00.980 which is not really good, but is still better.

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	int a,b,c,d;
	int acube,bcube,ccube,bplusc;
						printf("Cube = %d, Triple = (%d,%d,%d)\n",a,b,c,d);
	return 0;
Md. Aftabuddin
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The judgieing machine seems wrong

Post by Md. Aftabuddin »

Dear Sir,
I am a new commer I solved the question no 386 and submitted only to get wrong answer.
But my solution is right and running within the time limit. Further more the output given in the question is itself wrong. it is not showing the line

Cube = 9, Triple = (1,6,8 )

but 9*9*9=1*1*1 +6*6*6+ 8*8*8

So the question must be corrected.
I also submitted question no 834 but your judging system says it as wrong.

Also I took part in the online programming contest on 25/6/2005 I solved the question B only but your online judge says it as wrong answer .
There must be some thing wrong in the judgeing system

Md. Aftabuddin
Last edited by Md. Aftabuddin on Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Adrian Kuegel
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Post by Adrian Kuegel »

Please make sure that you understand the problem. I believe you that you think you solved the problems right, however you will always get WA if you solved another problem than was posed.
For problem 386, please consider that you have to find values a,b,c > 1 !!!
I suggest you read the problem descriptions of that other problems again, maybe you also overlooked something.
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Post by misof »

Also, it is not wise to post your whole ID, you are supposed to keep the two letters at the end secret. (Anyone that knows them may submit solutions using your account.) I suggest that you edit your post and delete them before anyone can misuse this information.
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Post by alexg »

I got 0.018 by using a hash table. I'll leave you to work out how a hashtable could help in this situation.
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386 wa, it seems ok but......

Post by ayeshapakhi »

please show me the mistake...

Code: Select all

the code is removed.
Last edited by ayeshapakhi on Wed May 31, 2006 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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