312 - Crosswords (II)

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Post by pooya »

I get Wrong Answer
My program solve all the above input correct
But get WA
Please help me and get some idea for this Wrong or some input
excuse me, my english language is very poor
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Post by mf »

I can't help you if I can't see your code.
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Post by pooya »

(code removed)
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Post by mf »

Print only one blank line after each test case.
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Post by pooya »

Oh, I'm sorry.
I read the problem from other online-judge site that have 2 empty line after each test case. :wink:
I get Accept.
Thank U.
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Re: 312 - Crosswords (II)

Post by Kerman »

Guys... I am hopeless... Can you tell me what the hack is wrong with my code? I really can't find any input which gives me a wrong answer...

But still I am receiving just "wrong answers..."

Determination betwen black/white squares is done,
There are not any unnecessary spaces,
There is only one line after each model.

Its driving me nuts, I am not asking you to look for my bug, I just want to ask, if you can find some tricky input, or have any ideas...

Code: Select all

code removde :-)
The bug was a missing /n after the last case (there is 2 new lines, not only one, so keep it in mind :-)) )
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